(Zombie) Jölan

Guitar Hero 5

you realize if you stopped watching so you could write about it they would lose half their audience

Sega delayed it so they could add in a bunch of Thorton's lame friends in a misguided attempt to improve the game.

"Part racing game, part blowing stuff up"

@Michael Dukakis: as an experiment to see how uneducated the average american is my high school government class set up a table at the mall, with pictures of crying women, and had people sign a petition to end women's suffrage. got almost 50 signatures.

@shaunmcilroy: windwaker and phantom hourglass were not, right? regardless, it proves my point that there can be multiple Links, and multiple Princes

@MrPerson: oh was not aware of that, haven't played spirit tracks yet and just assumed.

@shaunmcilroy: but its still essentially its own universe for all intents and purposes, different link, zelda etc.

No more different than the DS Zeldas being set in the Windwaker Universe, while the console ones are not.

@jeremycole: anyways, I haven't handled this well on my end, if I actually offended anyone I am sorry. One of the things that really pisses me off is when I feel I am being given a punishment undeservedly, as I have no problem accepting blame for something that was my fault. Regardless, the decision was made, and

@KingHippo:uh, yeah they do all the time, lame/tacky puns are fairly frequent. that's why suddenly getting upset about them is so ludicrous. additionally, as already stated, the people who found the joke amusing were punished as well, which is ridiculous.

@VergessenHeld: I could see if it had been a Death Note joke or something, since it was a heart attack apparently, but like I said, it was tacky at the worst. Not mean-spirited or intended as disrespecting or making fun of the deceased, so punishing not just the one who made the joke, but the people who found it funny

@jeremycole: It was removed, and I didn't make it, but it was a picture of Miles Edgeworth, and a comment to the effect of "I'll get to the bottom of this" nothing malevolent or mean-spirited about it.

@VergessenHeld: But it wasn't tasteless. Tasteless would be making fun of him for dying, etc. The joke did not make fun nor trivialize it, and people are just being way too sensitive about it. Any other topic gets its fair share of tacky jokes, and this was hardly out of the ordinary, as far as jokes in comments go.

@dr_tmw: my point is merely that the joke was not made in any attempt to be mean, or cruel. If it was found to be tacky, then deleting it should suffice, and there would be no need for 'punishment' especially not for people who did not even make the joke. it's the principle of the thing. If I had done something

@Michael McWhertor: No, I could care less abut the star in and of itself. What bothers me is the reason for taking it away. The joke was not at the expense of his death, it was not making fun of him for dying, it was merely referencing a Capcom franchise in a humorous fashion. Much worse jokes were made about Michael

@gold163 (° д° ): I didn't even make the joke, but since I replied, I lose my star. The joke wasn't even in poor taste like 'LOL HE DEAD'. But apparently it pissed off the powers that be, and the only logical recourse was stripping people of their stars. Fucking bullshit.

so apparently humor can no longer be used as a way of not having to think about the gravity of death. great call kotaku. enjoy your arbitrary and whimsical comment moderation everyone, I'm out.

Heavy Rain is about the Spanish Inquisition?