Sephiroth stabs the island from behind
Sephiroth stabs the island from behind
@Tevor_the_Third: after Haven: Call of the King cliffhanger endings don't bother me. Talk about a letdown.
@persona-j: you're trolling, right?
@persona-j: I did not actually say you were equal to a dog, but as an artist I can't expect you to have a basic grasp of reading comprehension. You see, I used what is called a simile, a figure of speech in which one scenario is compared to another using words such as "like" and "as". The comparison is meant only as a…
@Yossarian: could be on a steering wheel, thumb tucked under, four fingers on top along these lines (google image search so pic isn't great.
4za? Fourza? Forza: Moreza? FORZ4?
@Exor: I blame Father Ted for making "feck" a regular part of my vocabulary. The show, not an actual priest.
@persona-j: clearly it would be wasted on you, like showing a Picasso to a dog
heh, "Ass Fect" is probably how PS3 owners are feeling
@BraveSrRob: I lived on a dorm with a bunch of other guys, and a whole bunch of them were having a bible study or something in the common room, and my roommate comes out of the bathroom with his electric toothbrush and loudly proclaims that his asshole never felt so clean before. The look on their faces was priceless.
@c4pt_chunk: MS Paint skills, at their finest
"to appeal broadly"
@Michael Dukaki$: I can $urely and $omewhat $incerely $ay that thi$ $ad new$ $uck$ $ome $eriou$ a$$, $ir.
Well that $ucks
@Owen Good: thanks Owen!
@Michael Dukakis: doesn't actually answer the question, but it was the first thing I thought of