I think there's overreaction and exaggeration on both sides. RockyRan clearly established that rules could be set, yet O'Brien responded as if he was told the kids should have free reign over it. As someone who grew up with extremely limited video game time, due to parental restrictions, I think I am qualified to say…
"you're engine"
@Manly_McBeeferton: whoosh
judging from the pic you posted the art is anything but flat
@Realmjumper: Yeah I want truly innovative games! New Super Mario Bros, Bioshock 2, Left 4 Dead 2, etc!!
@Nightshade Zero: David Tennant has left the library. David Tennant has been saved.
Bum bum ba bum
@Michael Dukakis: There's a Noob Tube joke here too, but I like to think my privates are first class.
@OmegaArchetype: I'll jam her UAV if you catch my drift
@(Zombie) Jölan: Friendly Predator Missle incoming!
Wanna see my javelin glitch?
@darktrooper2112: since enemies in the main story don't scale people could level in the scale arenas and to a degree cheapen the overall experience. My opinion anyways. I have a friend who literally spends hundreds of hours leveling in the starting areas of RPGs to breeze through the games. Sad.
@Estel: I've know female gamers to argue over the lack of or size of a bulge. It goes both ways. (poor choice of words)
The Fahey Wears Prada
@ThursdayNext: icwutudidthar
@TrjnRabbit: free wi-fi at burgertown
@lochoko: ... are you really that dense? Alien does not necessitate from another planet. They are a super-advanced race that created humans. Seems pretty damn alien to me.
@beano_marino: elephants did not create humans though and therefore do not possess higher intelligence etc. Way to not understand