(Zombie) Jölan

I thought this article was a response to the question I posed in the last one. Sadface. #screengrab

@(Zombie) Jolan: Oh if anyone has a pure dark moon stone, I would do virtually anything for it, I fail at killing crystal lizards. #gametime

@mjn328: I grind the baby stingray the first reaper and the hidden dual wielding black skele, with silver bracelets, ring of avarice, and soul thirst. A good run nets me around 16k or so (don't use thirst on the skele, so I don't need spices) in 2 mins or less. #gametime

from the balloon boy link

@WhiteMage: You're the one who spouts off whatever retarded shit goes through your head. If anyone needs to grow up it is you. #xboxliveindiegames

@WhiteMage: you constantly commenting based on your own stupid assumptions like a complete asshole is my problem. You need to read the comment first, and then think before you post. Otherwise you come across like a dumbass and a tool. #xboxliveindiegames

@WhiteMage: You are making all sorts of assumptions about information that wasn't provided. Since he is talking about a technical issue, it stands to reason he would mention using the play 'n charge. He didn't, he said plug in the controller, not the cable. again, learn to read.

@(Zombie) D Mitsuki, Gotta have guts kid!: Halo, all the ratchet and clank games, all music games, all sports games, all shooters, pretty much all games do this. If the core gameplay mechanic WORKS then there is no need to change it just to 'justify' a sequel. #left4dead2

@Atomic Bowling: America is a capitalist country. Kurt Cobain was American. Therefore he is a hypocrite. That was WM's logic, even if he hid it well, and it is just as much a fallacy as mine. My example was a bit of a hyperbole, I admit, but the point is capitalism is the system we use, and to not be part of it, Kurt

@(Zombie) D Mitsuki, Gotta have guts kid!: not to be rude, but how is 5 new campaigns, 3 new special infected, 223423 melee weapons, uncommon common infected, new guns, new support items, special ammo types, and a new gameplay mode not enough differences? #left4dead2

So how big is his Wii?

@WhiteMage: he said PLUG IT IN so it stands to reason he means a wired one. Learn to read.