@Gemini-Phoenix: Rez was a great game even without the vibrator, most of these aren't.
@Gemini-Phoenix: Rez was a great game even without the vibrator, most of these aren't.
@WhiteMage: You sir are a moron. Person X hates democrats. The president is a democrat. Person X is a hypocrite for being part of a democratic run nation. This is your logic, and it is laughably fallacious.
I'm horrible about adding people. If I play L4D and you are competent and team oriented odds are I will send you a request.
@CowPieSoup: The "Generic Team" had a win last night against "Generic Opponents". Looks like a noun to me.
@Davyd: way I saw it was Crone+pwned=Croned. But since Clown doesn't rhyme with Pwned it could go either way, but in my mind clowned makes more sense.
@Jennacide: incoming argument about whether it is pronounced Clowned or Cloned
Gnome Chompski is win.
@Eviltim: ANYTHING that restricts access to content is, at least technically, a form of censorship. I think it is a stupid thing to throw a hissy fit over, but it IS censorship. If they had a disclaimer like songs on the store may be rated teen, or be inappropriate or whatever, they would have their bases covered,…
@TRT-X: Censor
@Kyattsuai: least it isn't Y'all Want A Single
@WarlockSoL: do you JUST need the code? if so I see manuals going missing form used/gutted copies at gamestops everywhere
@Aflack: feels sick to his stomach: No, no he's actually wrong.
@AgamemnonV1: You couldn't be more wrong.
@Rovient: kidding
@Verno77: Fatal University, or FU
@N●Gage Croal is happy with all thee consoles: allow my riposte
@nworobes: you mean Owen
seemed fitting
@AncientUnknown1: in his sandy vagina, if I had to guess
@ithyphallus, lazy beareaucrat: I think you will find that both the PS3 and 360 versions are just as real.