@Dsrtstorm9: if anything the opposite is true, they had extra time to fix bugs and glitches unlike the games that go gold 2-3 months early
@Dsrtstorm9: if anything the opposite is true, they had extra time to fix bugs and glitches unlike the games that go gold 2-3 months early
Demon's Souls
@7ruthslayer: maybe
@GE128: pluckylump said six hero games, not console GH games
@Alex_Mexico: because the sheer stupidity of his actions demanded the cruel and biting justice of his peers' commentary
@kwineeze156: you are a blight on gaming society
I bought a used game online and when I opened it where the manual should be was a piece of paper labeled "Game Booklet, Lulz"
@Boom-Chicka-Ah: Here to Create a Star Commenter Empire: Fairytail Fights, mirite?
"assuming the adult film stars don't beat us"
@Hey_Blinkon: Guitar Hero Metallica, GH Smash Hits (songs form past games) GH5, Band Hero, GH Van Halen, Guitar Hero On Tour Modern Hits (and if we count it as a Hero game, DJ Hero)
@Hey_Blinkon: Basically they are doing what GH is trying to do with Band Hero, it appeals primarily to a younger/family oriented demographic, but unlike BH this one has the added flair of being lego. An odd cross-branding? perhaps. But I think in the long run it will prove far more effective than Band Hero. While the…
@xmywreckingballx: ITS SO OBVIOUS IN HINDSIGHT!
@Kusanagii: Left 4 Ted should be a left hand. Unless you were joking on the original boxart which was also a right hand, til they switched it, in which case, bravo.
@Kusanagii: ilu
@jx2bear: I for one would be happy. L4D is my drug of choice.