
For anyone tempted to read the comments, here’s a quick summary:
“Fucking asshole, that’s ugly”
“WOW sick golf cart bro”
“What have the CHINESE ever MADE LOL”
“People who speak other languages should make sure not to pick words that sound vaguely silly in a completely unrelated language unless they want to be made fun of


Very excited for the new car. At Road Atlanta, they were already on pace with the current car without a few key parts at final spec like tires and brakes. It will be interesting to see who does up next year. Best of luck trying to beat Sick Sideways too.

The Reuben one reminded me of a story Terry Pratchett told. He said that one jet-lagged evening he accidently asked for Three Mile Island dressing for his salad. The waitress didn’t say a word, just brought him Thousand Island dressing and a bottle of hot sauce.

Mazda 2. In Sport or Touring trim, doesn’t matter as long as 5spd. Mine never seems to average less than 30mpg with mixed city/highway in the D.C. area. Long highway stints hit over 40mpg too. Lots of fun on twisty road, nimble and quick in city traffic, and more than capable of a camping trip for 2 plus dog.

There’s not a trucker shortage per se. There’s a shortage of truckers willing to pick up loads for pennies profit to the driver/company. Experienced truckers, especially owner operators, are still having a hard time finding loads that will pay enough to make a trip worth while. This all would only drive down the price

Several years ago I sold my all-original low-mileage CRX Si for a (then) shocking amount of money. I loved the car but ultimately I didn’t want to modify the mint seats to fit my tall frame. Using my brand of thinking, the next logical purchase should be a restored Volvo 140 many states away, purchased sight unseen.

Interstate 76 without a doubt did car based combat better than it has ever been done since. Got a copy when it bought a MS Sidewinder 2 Force Feedback stick. Spent atleast a full year (in hours) of my early teens with this game. I mean come on, turret mounted .50cal’s on a Gremlin (Leprechaun)!

Street Rod 2.

I hate the P1...the whole thing...not just the headlights.

MD plates in DC are the worst drivers.

what happens if they tow an awd drive car improperly and destroy it? i park in a lot of "grey" areas that exist in downtown pittsburgh....

Best looking Lambo since the Miura. There, I said it. It finally grew up.

The new Mazda2

Honda negated it's name when they bumped it up to a 2.2L 2004. The name should have changed to S2200.

#11 - When merging onto a highway, make sure you are using sufficient speed to safely merge. Yes, this often means gunning it a bit on an on ramp. Don't expect traffic to part the red sea for you when they're doing 65 and you're doing 40. And, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T SLAM ON YOUR BRAKES AT THE END OF AN ON

Now playing

How about one from Road Atlanta that was shown to me as an example of what not to do. Watch for the Viper at the end of the front straight.

The original was a Cadillac hearse/wagon. This is a modern Cadillac wagon that also, for many reasons, is amazing in its own right.

Keep it in the same family as the original...

I once got stranded in my 1970 semi-automatic Bettle on my way home from work. I left it parked just off the road in the driveway of an abandoned industrial building. I convinced my dad to help me try to fix it the next morning. I opened the engine cover and found that the distributor cap that I had popped off the