
Under normal circumstances I wouldn't be so annoyed over this downtime, however last Saturday night my old console died (YLOD), I went ahead and bought a new console last Thursday, only to find out I have no access to my PSN purchases, I really wanted to play M&M:Clash of Heroes :(

I agree, but I do think they should extend PS+/Hulu Plus subscribers' subscription period by three or four days. I know it's kinda nitpicky, but these are the one that actually lose access to something they've pad for

It is a subscription in a sense that you have limits until when the content you got off PSN for free is free, after your subscription period ends, you'll either have to pay for plus again, buy whatever content you got for free for the asking price or lose access to that content.

@sandorasbox I am the controller? For what games, exactly?

Why bother? It's like you would view these photos outside the 3DS's screens, which are low resolution to begin with

If only the technology to scan the small cards, enlarge them and print them out on A3 paper was available to us normal people... Oh, we can keep on dreaming...

What Telltale did with their episodic releases on PSN was allowing you to buy the whole season in advance and then download every episode as it's available. I believe this model of paying in advance for content would be your equivalent for preordering

Yeah, I know, but it's still available only for PC, Mac and XBLA; not PSN (corrected by now, BTW)

I'm pretty sure Torchlight is only on XBLA #corrections

Is the new layout broken only for me? I see links but no pics, and the YouTube vid isn't embedded

I'm still waiting for what Ready At Dawn are preparing, if it's anything like Daxter, GoW:CoO or GoS, we're in for a treat....

@iatw: As for homebrew, see my response to Melonfodder.

@pixelsnader: Nope, also on Mac, Wii, 360, PS3 and iPad

@iatw: What *are* the hackers adding? As of now I've heard of a hack to MW2/BO and a hack to open all trophies for every game. So you're basically suggesting Sony should add this functionality for their console?

@Chrismsx: you're spelling it wrong! It's inFAMOUS :)

@Nubbly: At least you trophies aren't completely gone... I ususally backup my PS every few months, maybe I'll do another backup tonight...

@gametr4x: As far as you know? You don't usually know where you carry your iPhone? :)

I had my Sackboy DualShock Holder hold a 360 controller for a while, fits well.

@ARYXANDRE: I don't have either version of MW but I don't think the new version will have the trophies, it's probably the same code repackaged.