
@Karl Kleinsasser: It can either tack it by measuring distance to TV using the sensor bar (farther the lights are, closer to TV) or by detecting a "thrust" with the accelerometer. Motion Plus measures this better beacause the gyro adds "space awareness" of sorts. I'm assuming Move's sensing is a little bit better,

@churnin: That's a crow, actually...

@NeöStarr: Didn't see your post when I submitted mine, sorry, also try pressing 'Insert Coin' and using WASD

If you go to right now you can play Pac-Man on the Google logo, using the arrow keys. Press "Insert Coin" (where "I'm Feeling Lucky" usually is) and you can play co-op with Ms. Pac-Man, using the WASD keys...

@NotTheGuy: Also worth noting is that EVERY Wii accessory has RVL-### code, even those little straps...

@Manly_McBeeferton: You just run a few laps around the board and they give up...

Although I'm not an English speaker I always prefer subtitles, usually dubs lose the original meanings, phrases, jokes, etc.

It's sad to see MS promote Natal in a country where they don't even sell XBox (Xboxes are sold here in ISrael, but it's imported by stores from abroad and not through MS Israel), perhaps it means we'll have official XBox support here soon...

@Methusalah: He's a traumatized kid who thinks all fathers won't risk their lives to save their own sons, and his "subjects" keep proving him correct, some of them (the shopkeeper) don't even bother trying to find their sons.

@RedRaptor: I can imagine several resons, first of all Ethan is well built, so he could've easily survive the impact, second of all Jason is a scrawny 10 year old kid, so even a lessened impact could've easily killed him.

@RyuuzakiBjorn: I don't really think you can say you have Tetris as "one game" on that many platforms, I think it should be be considered as "games of the Tetris genre/series", I think it's safe to say Tetris for the NES and GB are pretty much the same game but Tetris DS and iPhone are too different from those two to

@Crashpro3: Whenever I see a post by Ashcraft I always play "spot the obligatory typo". It's like playing Where's Waldo only you're disappointed when you finally find one.

@Kaka Kittens: Rika and Pinkerton are unlockable by buying the digital comic pack on the EU store (dunno if it applies to the US store as well).

Picture No.43: 3ND? lolwut?

Wow, it's all there in the logo, the Home consoles, the PSPs, EyeToy, Buzz buzzers, Playstation Duck...

@Disturbedmofo42: It's an achievement to have sex with him, you don't have to do it with a male character...

@Maddogdw: Go to settings - accessory settings - Manage Bluetooth Devices, make sure your headset is there under Audio Device.

@toadstoolporridge: I moved from the WarHawk Jabra to the official PS one and have no complaints. Setup is a snap, it has on-screen indication of battery life/volume levels (something no other headset I know of supports), noise canceling and good battery life. It comes with a base/charging cradle which can serve as a