Personally, I'd go for paying off the loan. You don't start actually making money for yourself (and no-one else) until your debts are gone.
Personally, I'd go for paying off the loan. You don't start actually making money for yourself (and no-one else) until your debts are gone.
"ass backwards jibberish" you say? You clearly don't know anything about software development whatsoever. Standard Windows apps have been compiled to binary code for x86-64 processors or to use an intermediary layer (like the Java VM for Java programs). ARM processors cannot directly run x86-64 binary code. The…
The only proper explanation I see: ARM does not support x86-64 binaries.
Unless your house has solar cells on the roof and you schedule the nodes in your cluster to autoboot after sunrise and shutdown before sunset, you'll end up losing way more real-world money on the power consumption than you'll gain mining for bitcoins. The bitcoin "gold rush" is over.
Multiple chargers, best thing to have. One for on your desk, one for on the go. You could try sticking to the same notebook manufacturer or at least manufacturers that use the same plugs and voltages to slowly build up an arsenal of chargers. I'm currently using a charger from my sister's previous Asus notebook on my…
No problem, ubuntu Server is surprisingly light. I'm using a core2duo E7300 which is total overkill with 2 gigs of DDR2, again total overkill. You can easily use it with a pentium4-system. What I do with it: Samba file sharing, IRC bouncer (znc), torrent downloader (transmission), http downloader (rapidshare and the…
VOTE: Linux Live CD
Firmware modifications can circumvent that. The real problem is heat. But most standard photo cameras have the 20min limitation either due to FAT32-limitations or because they could be classified as video cameras which means different taxes in some countries.
Nah, the HTC clock widget was awesome. Lockinfo 5 does provide a functionally similar clock out of the box with time, date, visual weather and temperature indication.
Yeah, it essentially ditches add-ons in favor of notification center widgets. I love it though.
Remove Intelliscreen from that list in favor of lockinfo. I bought both IntelliscreenX and Lockinfo and I honestly feel ripped off by Intelliborn.
Love my D5100. Combine it with a 18-105 and a battery grip and it just feels "right".
And as an added bonus on Nikon cameras with a check for genuine batteries, this means you can hotswap to aftermarket batteries. (though has done a nice job on disabling the checks for the D5100 and I believe the D3100 too)
It would be about goddamn time.
I guess fortune is with you. I have one of those too and both my Nikon and third party lens caps constantly fall off. Hence I stopped using them in favor of just stuffing them in a pocket.
Lens caps fall off those things half of the time.
xD cards? Looks like it.
What Chief looks like has been known since before Halo 2, it was described in the very first Halo novel.
Except the Nexus phones don't have an SD slot, which I find a huge miss. If Google and manufacturers were to give future Nexus phones a microSD slot, they would finally truly have the ultimate Android smartphone.