
Wow, a quick scan of the comments shows most people agree that this light is useless? I would have thought the opposite. Yea, it doesn't show you which tire is leaking, but take the 30 seconds to check the tires yourself. And if they're fine, then one of the sensors are malfunctioning, go get it checked.

I came to say the same thing. I don't care if it's her, Kate Upton or Cameron from House, hot blond women are never a bad thing.

Is that some kind of bbq sandwich in pic #4? Looks delicious, even with the giant wedge of lettuce!

Gross, imagine where that "pillow" has been. Actually you don't need to imagine, there's video.

If Ma Hong clicked on that link and started earning $65 an hour, she'll have her characters back in no time

True, that's why we developed currency in the first place I guess, because stone wheels may not convert to bow and arrows so easily. But then you just replicate gold-pressed latinum? I shudder to think of the counterfeit possibilities.

Aim for her exhaust hole for maximum impact. /leavingnow

O yea. Forgot about that. I'm just remembering how they managed to find one continuous clear path through a highway's worth of stalled cars while escaping from the aliens.

Oh man I had all of them, plus all the marines too (and their dropship). Good times. For that matter, there wasn't a flying Queen either but that was badass to play with. I'm going to have to dig them up again.

I drove a Murcielago roadster once - I know exactly what he means by "that sound". Hearing a V12 go full roar behind your right ear is a treat indeed.

I know that if I was one of the 35 who spent a large fortune to obtain a Reventon, I would be PISSED that Lamborghini came out with a newer and better looking version shortly after. Notice that the new Vanquish looks nothing like the One-77.

Jack Reacher was a nice musclecar showcase. But War of the Worlds? The minivan?

I assumed when watching it 20 (!) years ago, that once you have replicators, you really didn't need to "acquire" anything. Which then makes our lives less about the pursuit of goods and services, and more about a higher, perhaps nobler goal. That'd be a nice world to live in.

I just don't get all the hate for Wolverine Origins. Guys, it wasn't a bad movie. It wasn't as good as First Class, but it was entertaining and Hugh Jackman does a very good job with the character.

It looks so serene, sitting there in the a fat swan

This is a problem? Would you rather they go back to Dodge Intrepid Slope Noses? I love the way this, and the Charger looks.

I wonder if they sorted them any specific way. If they're like me and my DVD collection, they'll be super pissed when a stray Mercedes ends up in the Chevy lot after a party. PARK THE DVDs ALPHABETICALLY, ITS NOT HARD

Different strokes for different folks I guess. To live in an area where you see and hear non-stop supercars sounds like heaven, or Monte Carlo to me.

Why the drippy 80s eye black mascara around the taillights? It would look cleaner without the dip.

Now do one with all the Catwomen?