
What's wrong with the R3? Looks clean.

Looks like the sex? Must be some nasty porno you're watching. This offends my eyes, and makes me realize the truth that Money can't buy Taste.

What the...looks like a cross between Matrix, Crouching Tiger, Virtua Fighter and Simon Says

Why...why is he punching a rock...

It's funny how some cats and dogs register animals on tv but some don't. My dog ignores everything on tv but started barking and growling at a big inflatable halloween cat. Then when it turned its head, my dog jumped (she's a chihuahua).

? I could have sworn that that scene happened before Rick exiled him in that zombie pit? Will have to rewatch.

5th one, set in Russia...dunno, jury's out so far...the tag line is YIPPIE KAI YAY MOTHER RUSSIA

I thought you wrote "...good money-making scheme porno." Then I thought, problem solved? Profit!

Inviolable, is that a law, or something? I think she lost her dignity when she drove like a dumbass on a sidewalk, "somehow" thinking that's ok.

"ZEUS. As in, father of Apollo? Mt. Olympus? Don't fuck with me or I'll shove a lightning bolt up your ass? Zeus!" she a midget or is the Ford Taurus just that fucking huge?

Ok since no one else will play the Devil's least they're presenting a new kind of zombie? We've seen tons of slow and running ones, but the ones that sprint in a crowd? ...that's all I got, loved the book and this looks like an adaptation in name only.

Anyone else question the design of the box? So, you put the 4-prong plug in this way, we're good, but rotate 90 degrees and INSTANT DEATH.

Great ep. And the yardwork got me thinking, so, do we know who it was in the woods spying on the prison from a couple episodes ago? We all thought it was Merle but it can't possibly be him, otherwise he'd've led the Governor's crew to the prison?

Because SCIENCE.

Props to door/roof structural integrity. Big negative points for inevitable claw-mark and shoe-scuff touchups though...the paint never looks the same once you touch it up...

I love that the Charger made it so high in the list. I get compliments without fail on mine, focusing on the taillights. I hate though, that any hillbilly can rent one easily and de-cool mine in turn. There's still not too many new Chargers in DFW and when you see one, there's more often than not a rental barcode

Do not agree - my Charger looks fucking fantastic at night. There's nothing else like it and you see it from a mile away (that is, until the Dart becomes more mainstream). You say too bright like it's a bad thing, isn't one of the points of being in awesome cars is to be seen?

re: styling, it's always been a handsome, functional car to me, but I question the need of Nissan to add the HID strip. This whole trend, while it comes across as elegant to me today, seems fad-dy and may not stand up to time, I suspect.
