
That is one sexy formation. Love me some cumulus underboob.

This gave me PTSD flashbacks to a haunted house at Niagara Falls. It was a similar sensory deprivation experience, except the entire thing was total pitch black with the narrowest theater-aisle light every few hundred feet. And they grabbed me but not my wife. To this day, I'll never ever go into a haunted house

That is, when he doesn't have his dick in an exhaust pipe. Dragoning, he calls it.

It's actually Two Wongs make it White: Wong's laundry. Totally missed out on that A&F t-shirt before they banned it.

Jesus what a POS Pioneer deck @0:16. That wouldn't look out of place from an early 90s car. At least it's double-din so it swaps out easy.

Thing I hate about those Mary Kay pink cars is, it's waaay too light. Bright (not neon) pink, like the finsters with Clint Eastwood and/or a monkey look awesome. This is some kind of pale, wishy washy dilution.

I don't mind the color as much as I mind how many of these colors are mislabeled. Has there ever been a lime found which was this color? And would you eat it? That Kawasaki below is closer to "lime green", and even it's not dark enough. This Dart is like a limon color.


Dear lord, the picture of the Camaro and Porsche close up looks like it came from GT5 or Forza. Are we finally there, where real life is indistinguishable from my PS3?

I always thought that was the exhaust! Even looking at the above picture where the lower right is belching fire! It's Friday.

Let's just be glad there's not a shark or a pair of water skis near by.


He may have gotten the slowest qualifying time but he wins the Human Race.

Haha awesome.

Huh. Dunno if I prefer that set to Eminem or J-pop.

Sounds good to me either way :) Here in TX there's lots of what my wife calls "slutty restaurants" beyond Hooters: Twin Peaks, Tilted Kilt and Bone Daddy's all are restaurants with real sexily-dressed waitresses (not topless unfortunately). Bone Daddy's especially, I'm convinced they all work there during the day

Duly noted and corrected re: pic. I did walk through the C-17, I remember we all had to cram through a side door exiting out. I did remember the winglets, thought that was cool.

Be sure to turn the "do-not-disturb" on, you don't want your cool looking eye to suddenly be a "Mom" incoming call.

Do iron fillings fly out like in those high school raisin bran science experiments?

I think if a Krogan got their scaly hands on you, the punching and thrashing will do about as much good as anything that antelope can do against that leopard. Unless you're Shepherd.