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"Assuming the number of events per year stays the same." "Conditions may change." So many variables to consider that it really renders this whole study moot.

Because Walt is a scientist and it is a great show.

I understand now. The Sentra must be all that his owl wife let him have in the divorce, his kids don't take his calls and he has to live in a box in his car. Sorry Owl, have a better day.

Y does every 4-letter word ending in -UNT look filthy?

I wish I didn't know it. I also wish I will never again see a hashtag outside of a phone pad.

Why does that owl look so sinister? What is he up to?

Where is that picture from? Dexter?

Did the Michigan Film push really make that big a dent in LA productions? I'm sad that the governor has effectively killed the tax credit for films, and while I can appreciate how you were personally affected, I think shows like Detroit 187 and films like Gran Turino really used the city as a character in and of

Haha, I love the 0:11 mark where the guy says "is that Mark?" and Meer smirks and nods, as if he heard the question.

Is it SOP for law enforcement to actually drive the vehicles between lots across town? Doesn't that open them up to all kinds of liability should something happen (like what this douchnozzle's claiming?)

I feel like he can now see into my soul

Oh can really see the wrinkles come in. Cute girl

Glad they cut that scene out if it was going to include that massive Acura product placement. I've never known any gov'n agency to use any imports, so seeing them all pull up on Rogers at the end of Captain America was bad enough, but did that walking scene here have to happen?

"This is a real thing that happened, on a show for people over 18."

For this show, I think sharks have won olympic Gold by now

Wow, did they do this all season? Extra scenes within additional scenes?

I dunno...if you're talking not best chase scenes but automotive destruction, how about Terminator 3? Ahnold takes on cop cars, ambulances, and a mobile crane which then takes out an entire office building. Oh, then does a front flip when he drops the crane head into a sewer.

They build that into their air shows. You're watching the formation minus one plane, then BOOM the last plane flies in low behind you. Awesome!

He didn't grunt this much, seriously. It's distracting here, especially in the first demo video made available.

Drake talked to himself too, but it didn't feel forced, I'm sure it will flow in this game. I do agree on the grunting - normally it's not a problem when a hot brunette grunts but, enough. We get you're hurt.