
So who're the lucky sons of bitches who got the job applying decals to these naked chicks? And how do you sign up?

I love the journo's and commenters offering different, "better" opinions of how Lamborghini straps their $400,000 product. Here's a situation where if you assume Lamborghini knows what they're doing, you're not making an ass out of u and me - they know what they're doing. Let's just take this for what it is, an

I don't know what I'd think if I saw this while driving. First thought would be, am I fucking high? Second thought is, no I'm not, better floor it before it comes down on me.

Yea, who is this perky blonde?

I've found it cool that my dog (and it seems, all animals) always shake from front to back. Not so cool is how she tends to always do it next to my nice furniture. Answer those questions, Science!

"Seriously when did Bill swing so wildly out of character? Between this speech and Eric's "forgiving Russell" act, I really hope these two are up to something."

I don't think it's a very sexy costume for women to pull off. It hides shape and goes for more of a mysterious vibe.

Not sure why, if they're going to call it 007 Legends, they don't use all the different Bonds. Maybe it's a DLC. Can't be a likeliness-licensing thing, I'm sure George Lazenby isn't doing much these days.

Just got MK Komplete Edition, this game is using the exact same engine and character 3D modeling?

Damn you, now I'm late for work because I'm looking for Waldo. Found him!

Dark Knight got hit with both Aurora and the Olympics - imagine how much better it would have done without these incidents and distractions.

Agreed, Total Recall got majorly shafted by most everyone for it not having the charm and nostalgia of Ahnold's version. But I watched and liked both, they did a great job with the new one.

I got you both covered, lived in MI forever and now in Dallas. I don't want to say that I'm the reason both states are red, but...I'm probably the reason both states are red.

I see what you did there...if you indeed did it there...

Conceptually it raised a lot of deep thought and interesting discussion. This concept was executed terribly though.

Nice try, new show, but I've been burned by cool intros for FlashForward and The Event, and you know, fool me once etc.

Slightly off topic, but I wonder how this society would be overall improved if Twitter didn't exist. Is our attention span so short that we can't process more than 140 characters at a time? And what's worse is nowadays, news reports or stories actively quote Twitter as some kind of source, with the stupid @ and #

No shaky camera work, only when appropriate - bike chases, running on rooftops, etc. Wife and I watched Ultimatum again the night before going to see Legacy, and I couldn't believe how shaky the camera was...even in quiet room conversations, it's moving around. If that's a "style" I don't care for it, seems like

Also rule out sarcoidosus (sp?) now, instead of 20 minutes from now

$60? Picked it up for PS3 for $5 a couple months after release from Best Buy - late adopters for the win!