
The bad part is that Gears of War plot-wise was over with 3. ¿What's next in store for the surviving COGs? No wars, no threats. Even Halo 3 could allow for a new trilogy thanks to Master Chief travelling to the Forerunner world. It seems that instead of a Gears 4 taking place 20 years later (at the earliest that would

This Fox News guys would chill down if an American company made a game in an alternate future where Rick Santorum won the primaries and the election and you play as a young man named John Robert Smith, whose mission is to kill atheists, incarcerate gays and capture independent women to be sold to brides to Internet

If it does come on 360 it's a day one buy for me.

There's not a single day when I do not see someone with a 3DS in my school.

Sorry for the 'rich' part in the last paragraph :/ Not all conservative people are rich. - Asperger's can make you do absurd generalizations.

Actually depends if their parents whether liberals or conservatives, know video games well. I hope their parents realize that NOT ALL GAMES ARE VIOLENT. If by young gamers you say "Under 18" crowd - That's what the ESRB is for. Anything hardline violent, whether is the Game of the Year may (I don't say it should or

Video games don't create violence in society.

And no need for ridiculous debates.

Finally. Someone who thinks like me. We can keep the First and Second Amendments right where they are. Guns yes. Games yes. Everyone happy.

In the 30s it would be:

You tell em'

I'm waiting for the Marcus Fenix Trilogy boxset with Gears of War 1 + 2 + 3.

FPSs are the "fast food" genre of video games. I see your point, however the word "violent" encompasses lots of known games that are not "brotastic" and "ermagherd violenz, , multiplayer. dye dye u b1atch!". Examples: L.A. Noire (Violent, but deep and mature - I wonder why it just did not sell well, I saw about 9 or

STRANGE - The fact that there are no JW colleges. I'm fine with people getting degrees on accredited educations, even if they belong to religious groups.

Wow, that's pretty harsh to learn.. Seeing a way to get out from your town towards a better education in an accredited university, and then that way gets blocked due to specific dogma is not fair. Here's a webpage precisely talking about that topic you mentioned:

This is NOT the way you make a point. This is giving the anti-game crowd exactly what they want. Done to piss people off, yes, but some people are very misinformed, and will use this little piece of crapware, non-commercial and juvenile as it gets as a "proof" that "VIDEO GAMES ARE THE CHILDREN OF SATAN!!", using it

Good arguments Mr. Scimeca, everyone's different on how they deal with media and their effects (or non-effects) into their psyche. As you said, video games per se don't provide enough reason or justification to commit atrocities - even so, they are NOT a cause of violence.

Sega should commision Imangi for a game for smartphones. Replace explorer with blue hedgehog, coins with rings, replace environment with a linear, on-rails Green Hill Zone, instead of monkeys chasing you, obstacles along the way and you get?

I'm 18 and I still feel a bit uneasy about getting Gears of War. I have never owned any M-rated games - though I HAVE played - .