
I do all my business from the tub. I have a water proof case ipad and a dialing wand and my caretaker brings me my buffalo hot sauce sliders here. I have a garbage disposal in here (for number 2). I can't get out :(

My daughter's name is Nickelbacca you prick

My son's name is Hoobastank, Jezebel is always name shaming me and mine

What mean

That set of pictures is amazing

I almost threw up from laughter reading this review. *looks at TV, with misty eyes - still likes movie* see if this sorts you out. I wonder if it would work for Hulu and EVERYTHING?! WHO'S TO SAY

I go to his competition, Dr. Plump-Nubkin. If you recommend 10 bros, you get a free fanny pack full of dick creams


I really like my last name, which is borderline unique (I am le white hetero dude). I have a lot of shitbird relatives with sordid life choices that kind of sully it if you know them, but I like the idea of cleaning it up on my end - i.e. from people that meet me as their only example of my surname.

I do enjoy this new series, but I miss the weekly How I Work. I'd love to actually see twice a week How I Work posts (instead of ever two weeks). I don't think each one has to be a celebrity/titan of tech. Anyone vaguely of note (running a relatively successful start up, interesting positions in Government, authors,

I'd watch a debate where the republicans get all hot and sweaty in a Finnish sauna, then huff a ton of helium, then shout their 'planks' into cheap plastic bins full of spoiled meat.

homeless people should grow their own free beans in abandoned lots

That's pronounced CHAMPEEN DIET by the way, in honor of the 19-dickities

Yeah get rid of the faux-historical frame story. It's just about eating clean food, and more ably metabolizing fat instead of sugar. And it's about NOT getting diabetes or gut irritations from eating tons o' wheat. Call it what it is:

Well that's what it is - eat your veg, keep your (processed) carbs down, just get carbs from your veg or tubers or whatever, stop eating so many cadbury eggs and processed hotdog buns. Forget the goof frame story, just look into how it works with your blood sugar/insulin system and you're good to go.

Did you put your hands on their charlie browns?

My voice is deeper aloud than I hear in my head (where it sounds fine). BOOM. BUTCH.

Same - and I have big shoulders from it. SOMETHING IS HAPPENING

She calls it a "Mayo-n-egg!"