Comrade... comrade... Putin’s not paying you enough Roubles to type this shit.
Comrade... comrade... Putin’s not paying you enough Roubles to type this shit.
Fuck off Nazi.
It’s okay folks. I’ve found a Nazi... just check out the thinly veiled post above.
No Fuck your right wing, fascist arse
The Star can barely be called a comic, let alone a Newspaper. I think the more accurate term for the Star would be toilet paper... the kind of toilet paper that you give to the really nasty criminals
They’re really desperate to shift this shit aren’t they! Oh how the times have changed.
They’re really desperate to shift this shit aren’t they! Oh how the times have changed.
Meh... call me when the fat turd struggles to breathe for a couple of hours... then... I’ll really be interested
‘Trump didn’t declare a national emergency’... Yet... You know that Mushroom Dick is gonna try that at some point.
It’s gonna be interesting when this fat Fuck dies... I mean if they try and do that whole lying in state shit... who’s gonna go other than the Nazi Fucks? And if anyone does go who isn’t a Nazi Fuck it’ll probably be to shit on the open casket
‘Do people still use office?’. I’ll just leave this statement here. It says practically everything you need to know about this post and this poster.
‘Do people still use office?’. I’ll just leave this statement here. It says practically everything you need to know…
I take it that it wasn’t raining then or the Fat Fuck would have just stayed in his hotel.
Never defend that Orange sack of shit... Never make excuses for that Orange sack of shit... Trumps a Cunt and every fucking breath that comes out of that poisonous mouth that isn’t his last is a Fucking waste.
Fucking Scientology is a hate crime.
I think you’ll find that at the very least... the very Fucking least... Lying to the press when a Lawyer is pretty much guaranteed to get you disbarred and probably is Fucking illegal
All I want for Christmas is that Orange Turd and the rest of his retinue and retainers in Orange Jumpsuits in Cuba. Extraordinary rendition anyone?
You do realise that Elon Musk doesn’t give a Fuck about you don’t you? He probably thinks you’re a paedo.
You had me at ‘You don’t need the iPad pro’... I agree
You had me at ‘You don’t need the iPad pro’... I agree
To be fair... I think you’re giving idiots a bad name. Most idiots are still head and shoulders brighter than the Orange Dick-Wad.
It’s never a good day to buy that selfish Wanker’s over-priced crap.
It’s never a good day to buy that selfish Wanker’s over-priced crap.
With any luck that Fucker will accept an invite into the local Saudi embassy one day soon... that’s one video I’d pay to see.