
Maybe you should take your tiny little pecker from out of the Fat Fucking Orange Penguins Heinie and shove it in a blender in order to kick start your brain asap. At the moment your John Thomas is being squeezed so fucking hard by the roles of tangerine fat that it’s affecting your thinking.

I’ve heard more sense from an obese pumpkin than I have ever heard from that... obese fucking cunt of a pumpkin that’s in office at the mo...

The Orange Turd has probably been looking at this as a future Policy opportunity.

This... it needs this. These bastards are getting away with this shit because they think they’re untouchable... they need to become touchable... so to speak.

Have you got a link to this jerkwads account? I can’t find it.

Let’s Dox the Fuckers. I love me some crying Nazis... which is what they always seem to do once their names have been revealed.

Ah Dyson... what an a-hole. Do yourself a favour and by anything but Dyson

Ah Dyson... what an a-hole. Do yourself a favour and by anything but Dyson

It’s more of a phrase. It’s called Trumps America.

You are an unsung genius just like Van Gogh... I suggest that you cut an ear off and then the bastards will love you.

I’m looking forward to the Nuremberg trials that will happen to this administration... one can hope.

Musk talks almost as much shit as that twat in the Whitehouse.

Somebody guilty of attempted rape perhaps...

The one that turns the phone off.

Up... definitely up.

There’s a beautiful piece of symmetry here.. He has a mushroom dick and he is a mushroom dick... Mother Nature at her best.

Given that I’m based in the UK. Let me declare this COTD on your behalf. I look forward to reading about the emergency dick pic alert from safely across the pond

Don’t forget, he’s got the ability to text the whole country now in one fell swoop. Tiny mushroom dick pics for all soon.

That twat is a shit-stain on humanity.

But for the fact that he’s been successful thus far, he sounds like he’s qualified to be President.

They really are the Dumbest of Dumb Fucks.