
All new for 2017: the Chevrolet #relevant

Someone pointed out I may actually find it cheaper to pay minimum wage to have people just push me around town.

Triple eh.

Yeah holy crap. I would of assume the first thing you would tell someone in her position is I need confirmation of everything you do and if you don't understand, ask! And I only watched maybe 2-3 minutes, but that guy was not exactly doing a great job from what I saw.

Or, just make AUTO the default setting for all lights whenever the car is turned on. Don’t even make AUTO an option on the light selection switch. If, for some reason, you needed manual control, do the 3-seconds-super-off procedure like you described.

Can drivers just be smarter?

If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

Feet up on the dash.

You're thinking too tall. (Not a fan of these wheels.)

The front wheel was $155 including the tire? That's a steal...