
Could I borrow your razor for non-drug related purposes? And that mirror that you are holding up too.

I see it kind of like boxing used to be. The potential for really damaging yourself is so high and the odds of ever making a decent living at it are so low that it only really appeals to people who don’t have a lot of other options for social mobility. It isn’t really suprising that people who come from messed up

Occam's Razor.

Why are people who make a career out of something most people desperately try to avoid, physical combat, so aggressive?

I guess you missed the part about this compound being green providing their own power with solar.

I didn’t see the video but the only foam I know of is, cement foam to quickly secure a structure, insulating foam and fireproofing. Not even sure if foam is used for sound proofing.

I think that’s a long ways away if ever. Even if they stopped making money today it would be decades before they’d have to move. Several hundred billion in cash goes a long way.

They will when it’s required of every company that decides to build their headquarters somewhere. Why does everyone always expect Apple to somehow go far above and beyond any other company on the planet.

Yes, it’s called taxes. Their employees pay taxes too. There is tax on gas also. Did you attend high school or are you kidding here?

We use Lotus Notes at work. I *WISH* we had Outlook.

Just go home. You don’t want to be on the roads when anarchy seizes the population, really it is a safety thing.

............. Just use Outlook. SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, I’m leaving right now!

I’m a long time out of college but my parents advice would have been “do better at another school and transfer”

I respect this take. All takes matter.

IT is unutterably sad to me that her parents did not sit her down and make her realize that she did not get in to the college of her choice because she did not earn it. Bottom line. These upper middle class parents need to get real with their offspring: race and money can only get you so far. Granted, it will get you

Ding ding ding

I hadn’t seen this comment from Fisher before:

It’s weird how I know full well I’m perfectly safe while sitting at my desk watching this and yet the downward views still make my stomach turn over.

I think the drones you’re referring to are called helicopters