
In retrospect, had they realized that Carrie Fisher would not be around for Episode IX, they probably would have had her make the decision to stay with the ship. And that would have made what was the best visual of the trilogy also the most meaningful had it been Leia to make the sacrifice.

Yes, fans (though not critics) are seriously underappreciating the unpredictability of this film, both in-movie and what it sets up.

I realize the silliness of debating war theory in a fantasy universe here, but theoretically, an opposing capital should be able to destroy an asteroid (or have developed some other defense plan, were this idea feasible and therefore happened).

Especially when the other side has way more resources to sacrifice.

Losing a capital ship is kind of a big deal. Think the U.S. would sacrifice an aircraft carrier despite having the most? What about a contingent of folks who only have one left?

I’m not saying that literally everyone is an irrational dullard. It’s entitely probable you’re an island of rationality in a sea of nuttiness.

If there was a prior, separate article portending Schiano’s hiring while referencing Penn State connections, I missed it. That’s on me! I commented without the benefit of being wholly aware.

I appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt.

“My” program? Here’s a hint: My avatar is CFB-related. Last time I checked, these aren’t Penn State colors.

I mentioned the “original version of the article” lacked the Penn State connection.

I don’t know how you’ve missed the multitude of my replies saying the very opposite. That must’ve taken some effort.

Thanks! Went with your advice and have zero regrets.

Thanks! Went with your advice and have zero regrets.

Kudos to Deadspin for not, in the original iteration of this article, mentioning *why* TN fans were opposed to Schiano (complicity in Sandusky PSU stuff), adding that somewhat (very) important tidbit in later, only after I’d commented (and can no longer edit or delete) that TN fans are idiots — implying that I’m all

No, not now that I know their reason for protesting (Sandusky), which I was unaware of, and which was only reflected in this article after I’d made my post.

As others have pointed out, there was the Sandusky connection, which is *so* totally a good reason to protest this hire.

Yes, they did.

The original version of this piece didn’t mention his complicity with Sandusky as the reason for Vols fans disapproving of the hire. I was unaware and ignorant of it too.

I’m an idiot who didn’t know about the Penn State stuff. The first version of this article, upon which I commented, did not mention it. (Its fun that Deadspin writers can edit posts long after the fact but commenters cannot).

You’re right / i’m wrong; I wasn’t aware of the Penn State stuff (I only knew of his stints at Rutgers, the NFL, and OSU).

You’re totally right. As I’ve read more about it, this is the rare case of CFB fans acting rationally.