
It’s a perfectly fine analogy. Gas engines operate on a torque curve; electric ones don’t and are quick to respond to any pedal.

Don’t #’s 3 and 4 contradict one another? I suppose not directly, but it seems like it’d also be harder to come up with convoluted phrasing on the spot rather than just answer “no” and give scant, quick details as a lie. In any event, I think #3 is the truest of them all – press enough, and you’ll either surpass their

It’s almost like flying items 2,600 miles (from Amazon’s nearest fulfillment center east of Los Angeles to Honolulu) makes the whole Prime free shipping thing make less economic sense.

Amazon has more than 2x the market cap of Wal-Mart. It’s among the largest companies on Earth. I’d be willing to bet upwards of 60% (and perhaps 70%) of visitors to Gizmodo/Fusion media properties are Prime Members.

Initially I bought gym boxer briefs since cotton isn’t so fun on long runs and really makes you feel the perspiration.

That’s kind of the definition of “started the.”

Since when is calling someone a polymath not a compliment but a pejorative?

Given it’s the introductory sentence(s), I’d say yes.

Let’s face it. . . .football on this level has ZERO to do with amateurism.

The worst part is, I don’t know if this is a joke or not. I could totally believe it.

How does Peter King manage to find such chuckleheads to write for/alongside him?

Standard conference security buttressed by Bellagio security, buttressed by occasional personal security personnel.

I’m not sure you know what a community organizer does.

I starred this before I even got to the kicker. Now I wish I could start it again.

If anyone did sports longform before he did, I’m unaware of it. Or, at the very least, his lengthy profiles were pioneering. Also: he wasn’t afraid to call a spade a spade.

This is cool.

I dunno. My pops earned a Silver Star and Purple Heart in Vietnam; despite his TriCare, his poor mental health goes unacknowledged and it’s ripped his life apart.

Look, they didn’t make those sacrifices for a nation that would a sell appliances at full retail today.

Thank you. I just lost an iPad on a flight, impulse bought a Kindle Fire so I wouldn’t be bookless for future flights; and I’d been wondering why the non-video enabled tablets were more expensive.

Thank you. I just lost an iPad on a flight, impulse bought a Kindle Fire so I wouldn’t be bookless for future

Yeah science, back off it. This guy’s got some anecdotal evidence here.