
I agree. The clear goal here was stall, stall, stall, stall, stall until it’s late enough that you can believably say you’re going to bed, and then pray the Tom Brady decision comes early tomorrow morning.

Can I ask, does it really matter if she has state support?

the fact that this woman is attempting to establish a very dangerous legal precedent, that her views are common enough in her county and state that the odds of her losing her job over this are slim...

I continue to not care.

I don’t mean to throw mentally ill people under the bus (I see a psych for my own reasons, in fact; I think we’re both lucky in that we’re able to take advantage of said services). It just seems that when these sprees occur, there’s always something off about the person.

This is good kinja.

I wish I could star this over and over.

Did someone coming into work drunk kill your dad or something?

That’s brilliant. Several times I’ve tried to hangover-proof myself (thinking I was smart) by loading up the fridge with Gatorade, only to forget about it (naturally) upon getting home. Forcing yourself to confront it on the pillow is a wonderful solution.

Excedrin’s painkillers both fuck the liver when combined with alcohol.

no it’s not you numpty

I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you.

I’m wondering what world you live in where people are inborn with the knowledge on how to meditate (and if so, why everyone doesn’t merely do it since it’s innate). An app is merely a means of audio instruction guiding beginners on how to clear their minds, much like the instruction you’d get from other guided means

I’m really enjoying this series. Please keep them coming.

Using an app, regardless of how good it is, is probably not a good path to mindfulness. If nothing else, it adds a layer of complexity (being aware of all the notifications that your smartphone is getting while you’re looking at the mindfulness app).

I thought I was smart for giving my spent aquarium water to the plants (like a poor man’s version of aquaponics), but recycling veggie steam water never occurred to me. Big DUH moment.

Shit-talking your league mates in a Yahoo chat room just doesn’t have that same je ne sais quoi.

I wasn’t aware that folks from Vermont were somehow incapable of seeing eye-to-eye with black people. Is this a genetic thing endemic to Vermontonians, something in the water, a learned behavior?

IDK, Bernie Sanders touting his “I marched with MLK” stuff sounds kinda like when people say “I’m not racist, I have a black friend!”