I'm having trouble reconciling your ability to form words with your inability to grasp what drug addiction is.
I'm having trouble reconciling your ability to form words with your inability to grasp what drug addiction is.
Better person as far as no longer being addicted to heroin, sure. But ten years is no insignificant amount.
Well I guess all prisons must be the exact same then!
Fascinating series, fantastic writer. I cannot decide if Mr. Genis' stint in prison is a tremendous loss for having robbed us of his writing for ten years, or a boon insofar as providing material.
Unless this is a sponsored post, it's probably worth nothing that Bloc itself is a bootcamp. I mean, Bloc's pretty upfront about this on their page, but this is like saying "Google has compared the various cloud drive storage offerings and makes recommendations for you."
Seems kind of redundant if they already have OneDrive.
Hello, welcome to football.
Third-party, received awkwardness level too high. Can't look as I play the audio.
Obviously Carroll's not exactly the most qualified to lay out geopolitical strategy but, then again, neither was the Bush administration.
I used to dislike Russell Wilson (and I'm a Seahawks fan) for basically the same reasons: he was like the class valedictorian whose people skills amounted to pleasing adults/those in authority. But now I realize his marriage basically didn't work out because (ignoring the Golden Tate thing or even assuming it's true)…
LACC North would not have the Hollywood sign in the background.
Any other viewpoints of mine you'd like to make up?
I stand corrected!
Why is this always called "schoolyard playground stuff" by the commentary guys? Pretty sure we, as kids, weren't imaginative enough to come up with fake reverse/wide receiver option plays.
UCLA clearly won a few zip codes, including Los Angeles. Are you familiar with cartography or how maps work?
I guess when Pete Carroll talks about their Cover-3 Man schemes, he's making it up.
Ha, exactly.
Oh, then no question there.
Oddly enough I felt the worst (after the guy who got knocked out) for the bystander in the blue button down and khakis, likely because he looked just so out of place.