
While I'm like your wife, I totally agree with your view. I view my own shyness/social anxiety as a hindrance to both my social and professional advancement. Staying at home and remaining a shut-in does no one any favors. It's a trait that (in my opinion) needs to be overcome.

I was the same way... until I discovered how a quick beer/cocktail or two really get the social juices flowing. Obviously this applies to everyone, but for people in your wife's/my situation in particular, it really helps get me over the social anxiety hurdle.

Am I weird or just misunderstanding the article?

You can get imitations for the fraction of the price. I'm sitting in a white leather (high quality leather, at least to my unprofessional touch) knock-off that set me back only ~$300.

Basically anyone doing manual labor day-in/day-out gets amazing forearms and scary grip. I'm glad the weights at my gym have rough-traction grips... at least the hand callouses that develop as a result mean my office-job hands aren't entirely embarrassed/out-manned by theirs when shaking hands.


I really liked your response to the effect of "embrace the power of the word 'and.'" As a non-rapist, I'm not familiar with the urge to overpower and therefore don't know how to alleviate it. However, to any guy, it's quite obvious how to take the sexual urge part out of it.

Thank goodness you posted this. I was about to offer my opinion that, from a man's POV, it's unquestionably an outlet. Afterwards, I don't even want to think about women.

"you are only defending this putrid filth due to male privilege." This is the line that makes me agree with you.

No. She doesn't.

Erm, he doesn't seem sane.

Fuck yes, California. Gay marriage and Priuses. A golden state you are.

She'll get a statue one day. And a statue will be fitting.

I'm not naive enough to think Obama is my employee. Anyone who'd think a CEO is theirs with such a paltry ownership of the float is certainly naive though.

Who says that?

Not at 2,000 shares she's not.

BBB 4 represent!

Not gay, but if I was, I'd be into Kai Ryssdal. As it stands, I still want his voice.

I thought you blue state hippie jokers were an accepting, open-minded bunch.

I won't discuss too much about Asian quotas, but if any ethnic group in America has a right to be pissed about admissions, it's definitely not priggish little white girls.