
Not to get all Eugenics-y here, but does anyone else worry about this? By "this," I mean the tendency for the irresponsible/underachieving to procreate ad infinitum whereas the responsible, rational couple practice birth control, wait until they can financially support a kid, and then have a few before calling it

I would guess the percentage is even higher. That wasn't my point.

No shit; that wasn't the point.

Good point. If you go to a Korean spa, in Koreatown, you can't be surprised when you get... Koreans.


Er, no, I don't think the respondent sincerely thinks that would be a better response.

Agreed. I'm sure the invite was genuine on the part of the original Marines'... but you have to put your self in the celebrity's shoes for a moment. "Let's see... if I say I'm too busy, which I am, then the media will be all over me for rejecting someone who's gone to war while I'm a millionaire and the press will be

One could add that Margaret Cho certainly knew what she was getting into vis-a-vis old, conservative, *Korean* views, as opposed to just old, conservative views on such things.

My bad if I misunderstood your point. (I thought you were defending the women's behaviors... not merely explaining how/why they came about. Now that I reread your comment, I'm moreso reacting to the quote you posted from another blog).

"in this country an establishment is not allowed to turn someone away simply because of their body."

That's an interesting take, and perhaps the only argument in favor of the spa's behavior to sway me thus far.

So? Schools ban students from wearing colors/logos associated with LA street gangs.

Ah yes, backwards mentalities should be preserved since they come from the homeland.


"Doesn't it piss you off the while you HAVE to be gluten free, a zillion other people are screaming about how they have to pick croutons off their salads because they think going gluten free will make them lose weight?"

The arrogance of this piece made me laugh.

I find it amusing that you post a message lamenting the recent academic direction of UCLA, but then follow up with "grammar inflection? Meh, who needs it."

I actually think these look great.

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!

Why is it that screws are so brittle (and more likely to snap) versus nails... different metal composition? I would think that, based on their thickness alone and assuming the same length, a screw should be able to win out in terms of tensile strength.