Beyond he is being god in programming doesn’t mean anything else. He can still be a complete asshole or not.
Beyond he is being god in programming doesn’t mean anything else. He can still be a complete asshole or not.
“50-something year-old man”
just don’t buy it.
It’s “pantī”
You don’t know people.... or History.
probable UHD alliance standard. MS, Sony and most manufactores decided to back a common standard.
or lawsuits about lack of 4k content that is not guaranteed by any developer.
Mt 1080p non-HDR cry :( Time to upgrade my monitor/tv
No wonder Kotaku get blacklisted... put this kinda of bullshit excuse.
earthquake resistant technology of that time.
if this movie get a 15 million dollar budget it will be a MIRACLE. You only see bigger budgets on ANIME because it easy to export (miyazaki movies).
Cowboy Bebop
So if manga was influenced by western characters and society than the characters are white.... What brilliant reasoning lol
How about you tell us how a japanese should be portrait in an anime?
There is a good reason to slurp... It make food more tasty. Why do you think jury slurp coffee/wine in competition? You are aerating so the aromas get to your nose.
show your portfolio, plz.
star ocean 4 : ms bought time exclusive deal (star ocean was a ps2 game)
lol what? That is really STUPID analogy. He maybe have good time but the people who is playing against dont...