
them = MS. MS is the owner of IPs

because they worked in many high profile games (Borderlands, Sunset Overdrive, Bioshock 2, Bioshock Infinite, Gears etc) but this one would be their first solo project.

Perfect Dark Zero and Phantom Dust are MS IPs. Who decided what get the green light was MS /smh

That click bait....

He didn’t buy it. Their viewers donate it to him.

He is mad because he won’t get 100% of revenue from a game play.

26 septendecillion years

First, they should stop using Richter scale to give better idea to the public what an earthquake can do... I like Shindo scale myself because make more sense than knowing the Richter value at the epicenter.

3 more years to go.

this one so cool

My 5 sec photoshop fix

the fundamentalist christian there are attacking buddhist places/people for a long time

I blame this on the crazy amount of fundamentalist that live there... There are to many crazy people there... one that come to mind are the crazy christian fundamentalist lol

With sales like this... (NPD data) its a miracle that they still releasing in the west...

Wouldn't be great if we could use them as wallpaper?

PS4 $320 + free shipping

PS4 $320 + free shipping

The point is the requirement of a 3rd clue. Because IF the 1st clue was "the product of their age is 1".... You wouldn't need a 2nd or 3rd clue... What its mean is the 2nd clue give is not enough to filter the results because you still have multiples possibles solutions. In this case many...

These MF even put a photo o John Smedly (SOE president) dad's grave for lols after they send a a Bomb-Threat to the flight he was taking... Sick people.

Fish Boat Captain, Shoe Seller > pro climber