
John Lewis is objectively a better human being than I am. If I were him I would have just said, “you know what? Fuck ALL y’all, I’m out. I’m leaving with President Obama. I didn’t get my skull fractured to watch you ignorant motherfuckers fuck everything up. Peace out.”


Oh god I’m going to miss him.

I do want it said and again and again how this has nothing to do with conventional politics. Trump isn’t just wrong or bad (or even primarily wrong or bad) because he’s a Republican. He’s bad because he’s just a shitty human being who just so happens to have hijacked politics.

Great response to an absolute shit pile of an article from Hannah. I’m embarrassed for her.

Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.

“Such a nasty astrophysicist.” - Donald Trump about Carl Sagan, maybe

I just thought this would be a good time to remind everyone that Kristallnacht happened when, after a tide of rising antisemitism in Germany, a Polish Jew shot and killed a German diplomat.


Overall, Obama’s done a wonderful job over the past 8 years- on economics, on the environment, on healthcare, on supporting the most innovative sectors of our economy, on limiting the destructive potential of the tea baggers, on limiting our involvement in major foreign entanglements...etc.

“I like reporters who don’t faint.” *shrug*

Just imagine; a few months from now The President’s reaction would be

Potentially all of them!

Anecdotal evidence, I know, but -

LOL! Can I please steal this line and repeat it constantly to all who’ll listen?

On the bright side: This means Putin isn’t getting daily briefings, either.

Then you are to blame for neonazis in the White House. Enjoy!

Thank god we dodged that HRC Corruption bullet guys