
Bruce should play at Phil Murray’s swearing in.

Does Paul Ryan’s “We’re with Trump” comment today answer your question?

Netflix is good if you like documentaries, which they generally have an excellent selection of. MINDHUNTER was good, too. I generally avoid the feature films on there unless its something I really want to see and missed (like last year’s “Christine”). Their library films are also generally matted for television, not

“Still a piece of junk”.

Wasn’t it the distributor or producer who insisted on the title change? I thought Carpenter originally called it “The Babysitter Murders”.

The movie was set in the midwest, but shot in South Pasadena. Ask anyone who lives in S. Pasadena for any number of years and they’ll tell you where all the streets are. The only exception is the actual house where Laurie has her showdown with Myers. That’s in West Hollywood, just a block from my apartment,

I won’t celebrate until someone with actual Trump DNA (or Jared) does a perp walk.

Didn’t she also dump on “Knocked Up”? That probably didn’t endear her to filmmakers.

Was the movie “L.A. Confidential”? I’ve heard those stories, too, but none of them were underage. This is a whole new level of predation.

Well, Mike Huckabee’s daughter says they’re all lying, so.....

I may be alone in this, but IT was not scary for a minute. It was fairly entertaining in that I wasn’t ever bored, but scary or suspenseful? Nope. The complete lack of atmosphere, and way too much Pennywise, drained the effect for me.

I don’t recall The Witch having any gore. But it is sloooooowwwww.

Agree. Textbook example of a twist ending for its own sake because the filmmakers didn’t give a shit about storytelling.

It’s very much in the vein of The Shining, and it legitimately comes close to it in its sinister atmosphere . The set up is just fabulous and the acting pretty good. The big drawback is that it was shot on piss poor video, so it looks like one of those experimental 90s era films that now come off as more dated than

Don’t worry. Whether Weinstein’s names on it or not, people know where this movie came from. This was done just to make the talent happy.

“those aren’t decent people you want to associate with.”

Harington is pretty anti-Trump, and has been pretty vocal about his liberal politics in the past (he notably called Leslie’s previous show, DOWNTON ABBEY a bunch of rich people crap, or something to that effect), so much so that conservative viewers have threatened to boycott GoT because of it.

The Core also marked the first appearance of the word “unobtanium” that would later be stolen for Avatar.

But he’s still doing the Obi-Wan movie, right?

Didn’t he pitch them on telling the story from the droids point of view as witnesses to man’s war-like tendencies? I thought I read that somewhere, and Lucasfilm were like, “uh, that’s not what we’re trying to make”.