Married at 21 after 10 months of dating a musician (especially one that no longer always pans out, right?
Married at 21 after 10 months of dating a musician (especially one that no longer always pans out, right?
He gave them paper towels.
From the reaction of the media and Anthony Bourdain, we likely also avoided Secretary of State Harvey Weinstein, because they’re attached at the hip.
When you’re only selling point is you probably won’t blow up the world, it’s bad.
Is linking to his Twitter feed enough for the 10 mil?
The more I see him desperately doing stuff, the more I believe Bob Corker and that Vanity Fair story that he’s losing his shit and needs daycare.
Some of the episodes - particularly the more sexual ones - were directed by a woman, Michelle McLaren. See: Season 3 and 4.
Is anyone surprised? If he’s good at one thing, it’s not paying.
Actually, the Supreme Court declared them legal 6-3 in 2015.
Also the most exercise he’s gotten in years.
He likes his war heroes who aren’t killed by terrorists.
Cash goggles.
A 6? Is that you, Harvey?
Mira Sorvino’s dad is Paul Sorvino, a highly respected character actor (he was Pauley in “Goodfellas”). I kinda feel her career must’ve definitely derailed by this incident, since she came out of the gate winning an Oscar and had all the ingredients to be an A list actor. I also wonder how much she told Tarantino,…
I think the entire administration should do this. I would like to know where everyone ranks. MY guess is Trump is at the bottom with Carson just above him.
So is Jessica Chastain awful, too, because she says she knew about this stuff for years? I don’t recall her saying anything until now.
According to one article - I forget which one because i’m just dizzy now with the avalanche of details - he had plenty, going as far as to open an office in Russia and hiring an executive whose sole duty was to procure him prostitutes. This struck me more about power, having it over women who would otherwise be…
I wouldn’t even agree with you on the part about fidelity to Scott’s original vision. Yeah, it aped it successfully at times, but the movie didn’t feel remotely like noir, which the original leaned heavily on. And for all the use of multi-cultural images (particularly Asian), it’s an incredibly white movie. Even the…
The premise is great, simple and emotional, and they seemed hellbent on finding the most difficult and least engaging way to tell it. I enjoyed the movie, but it is way too long (one more scene with Gosling and his VR girlfriend and I would’ve screamed) and you feel every one of its almost 3 hour running time.
And Corker endorsed Trump in early 2016 and vouched for his foreign policy knowledge, so, yeah, welcome to the party one year later.