
I was at a party a couple of months ago, and met a woman who told me that she was an “Instagram model”. She said she got paid $3,000 to hold up and hashtag products and that was basically her job. I generally love Instagram, but hate that its become this thing where you’re considered famous and valuable based on how

Totally agree re: Newtown. After we as a nation decided 20 kids annihilated in 12 minutes was acceptable, the gun debate effectively ended.

You mean the guy who signed a repeal of the law banning the mentally disturbed from getting guns?

Logic is wasted on a Huckabee.

Kicking Avatar is a thing now. Not that I disagree with it, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if Cameron wound up having the last laugh (again).

And so was the Berlin Airlift.

Now he can start looking for the real killers.

Just as bad is that Jeepers Creepers was produced by Francis Ford Coppola! Salve was a protege of his when he got busted, and apparently Coppola thought it was a relationship worth continuing.

I think if it’s a bill to stabilize the ACA markets, and it’s bipartisan, then it’s completely reasonable. Trump is going to try (already is, frankly) to sabotage the ACA and anything Congress can pass to circumvent that is an absolute must.

You can bet if Price was a Dem, Fox News would be running a daily chyron of the money he hasn’t re- paid, and keeping it in the news, all the way to the midterms if need be. The supposed liberal media, on the other hand, will probably just let this go.

I hope this helps, but I don’t know, because the “ocean, it’s so big”.

Change “internal” to “predictable” and “chaos” to “incompétence” and we’re good.

Stern himself said he heard from people at NBC that this was all a ruse to get them to up their deal for a new season of Apprentice.

Not before “The Last Jedi”!!!!!

He doesn’t care because he doesn’t have a hotel there.

You know things are bad when you find yourself agreeing with a guy who fed his uncle to wild dogs.

And most of these owners joining in protests today gave heavily to Trump and would have continued supporting him if he hadn’t said “boycott”. I believe the players are sincere; most of the owners, opportunistic.

Yep, his reasons are his business. The results are the same: millions will keep their insurance and Medicaid survives. Sure, Trump is going to fuck it by withholding money, but he’s also going to own it.

But if it dies this time, then they can’t bring it back before Sept 30 and it’s dead for good. But I agree a lot of people took their eye off the ball in the early stages, and now it’s a scarily real possibility.