Funny thing is, if that were actually true, Melania wouldn’t even care.
Funny thing is, if that were actually true, Melania wouldn’t even care.
Being qualified for the position doesn’t seem to be in the Top 10 reasons why Trump considers someone for a White House job.
I have actual hope this is what makes him into the quickest lame duck in history. I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up after he survived and thrived after the Access Hollywood tape, but this feels oddly different. If the guy survives this, he’s getting re-elected.
It’s a bone chilling 17 minutes, well worth watching and having everyone’s kids watch if they’re old enough. The reporter deserves some kind of medal for being so close to these reptiles.
Or turned into those I Am Legend vampires.
Classic way of admitting he fucked up by sounding like he’s doubling down.
Well, Lindsey Graham has said Trump’s told him that he’s cool with preemption, so you may very well be right. Trump may just be stupid enough to stumble into a war because, what’s millions killed as long as they’re not named Trump and he doesn’t have a hotel or golf course anywhere near there.
You mean, “no more than 10 to 20 million killed? Tops! Depending on the wind.”?
And WTF is the part “ your people probably say something in a similar but slightly different language. But the fact is we are both in a little bit of a political bind”. Cute how he tries to sneak that in like its their problem, too. Uh no. This is your problem, Donny. All yours.
Apparently, part of the Art of the Deal is groveling.
So leave.
You forgot that Trump apparently told some golf buddies that he thought the White House was “a dump”.
I was waiting for her to defend herself by saying she wasn’t on Obamacare, but on the ACA.
RW’s got some pretty good radar for material, esp of late: Wild, Gone Girl, Big Little Lies.
And everyone outside of Tillerson, Mattis, and McMaster just screams “opportunist”, treating their position like it were an extended publicity tour for something more profitable.
I was talking to a couple visiting from Canada last week and we got into a discussion of our healthcare vs. their universal coverage, and one thing they told me made me skeptical single payer will ever happen here: They said 30% of their income is taken away in taxes. They’ve grown up with it and its just part of…
It never felt odd to me. Then again, I thought Hacksaw Ridge was war porn. Mel Gibson was totally getting off on showing the gore there. The lack of blood in Dunkirk didn’t make it any less realistic, and actually helped the intensity, imo.
This is about one thing: The adulation of making a grand entrance.
“But perhaps McCain’s illness will encourage some rigorous self-reflection, and at last, a change of heart. Perhaps he’ll realize that in his last years, he could take a meaningful stand against his increasingly brutal party—and help to save lives in the process.”
Yeah, if I had stupid money, I’d just buy a lake house and chill the fuck out for the rest of my life. Who needs this shit?