
RW’s got some pretty good radar for material, esp of late: Wild, Gone Girl, Big Little Lies.

And everyone outside of Tillerson, Mattis, and McMaster just screams “opportunist”, treating their position like it were an extended publicity tour for something more profitable.

I was talking to a couple visiting from Canada last week and we got into a discussion of our healthcare vs. their universal coverage, and one thing they told me made me skeptical single payer will ever happen here: They said 30% of their income is taken away in taxes. They’ve grown up with it and its just part of

It never felt odd to me. Then again, I thought Hacksaw Ridge was war porn. Mel Gibson was totally getting off on showing the gore there. The lack of blood in Dunkirk didn’t make it any less realistic, and actually helped the intensity, imo.

Yeah, it totally bombed at the time. Some of it had to do with John Glenn running for president that year and it being seen as political propaganda. It did get a bunch of Oscar noms and is re-evalutated each year. Both Nolan and Rian Johnson name check it a lot. It’s one of my favorite films.

This is about one thing: The adulation of making a grand entrance.

“But perhaps McCain’s illness will encourage some rigorous self-reflection, and at last, a change of heart. Perhaps he’ll realize that in his last years, he could take a meaningful stand against his increasingly brutal party—and help to save lives in the process.”

Yeah, if I had stupid money, I’d just buy a lake house and chill the fuck out for the rest of my life. Who needs this shit?

I thought Emilia was pretty good in the first scene with Varys, tbh. For a second, I thought she might actually execute the eunuch, but then I remembered that HBO showed a shot of him and Melisandre standing on the cliffs together and we haven’t seen that scene yet.

Isn’t Tyene the one with the poisons? She didn’t fight Euron.

I’m looking forward to a hopeful Sansa-Arya reunion. But I don’t think Arya will kill LF. More likely, Sansa will order Brienne to do it in a way that lets her keep his army. This is probably connected to the slow motion shot they run a lot in ads.

The Dragonbinder horn in the book sounds cool when you read it, but might look silly when you see it. The ballista is also in the book.

It’s actually in the book.

I think thats when Sansa kills LF and keeps his army. That’s the shot of her walking in the snow they keep using, which is next week.

Theory that Sam winds up writing the story of A Song of Ice and Fire; i.e., he’s the GRRM stand in.

Doesn’t Tyene use the poison? I don’t recall Euron fighting her, but I’ve only watched the episode once.

I hope she doesn’t go the other way. I’m dying for an Arya-Sansa reunion, even though I know it probably means one of them will die afterwards.

Uh no. The aerial sequence is one hour. The sea sequence is one day. And the beach sequences are one week. You might want to go back and re-watch it.

I get the complaint that the Dems are in danger of keeping people in power who are well past their shelf life. I just think if someone’s effective, then keep them. Reacting to everything the Republicans are saying is a bad idea, and it’s not like whoever would replace her would get a free ride from the opposition.

I know its only been six months, but Trump’s been really lucky nothing truly terrible has happened in the world, outside of saber rattling from NK. Most of the shit that’s happened has been caused by his own White House involving him. I shudder to think what would happen if there were an economic collapse or a 9/11