
I assumed there were no tapes, and even if there were, he or his attorney would’ve destroyed them because they would’ve shown Comey was telling the truth and that Trump speaks in private like his idiot public self.

Trump trolls his own supporters and they nod and say, “more please”.

blah blah blah. I’m just sick of losing.

She’s completely wrong. Hillary wasn’t my favorite person in the world, but she’s far from “lethal”. I’ll just start with propping up not destroying the ACA and not withdrawing from the Paris Climate Treaty.

Now playing

This is like every Trump surrogate interview now.

My guess is his hanger ons were trying to cash in on access but didn’t tell him about it because they knew he’d open his big fat mouth. The obstruction thing he’s totally guilty of because of said big fat mouth, and need to be the alpha dog in every situation.

This whole thing was pre-planned garbage time. Sessions had no intention of answering anything but just wanted to put on his outrage hat on with cameras rolling. Mission accomplished, asshat.

No one would be happier he stayed here than the Queen. She’s too old for this shit.

Junior probably thinks FBI is a state.

You just know after the interview, he turned to the nearest person and said, “Nailed it”.

I partially assumed that a lot of the anti-May votes was because she held Trump’s hand. I wouldn’t underestimate Trump’s negative influence in both the French and UK elections, and, I hope, in the upcoming German one.

May holding hands with Trump probably fucked her, too. At least, I hope so.

I can totally buy that Trump is seen by his inner circle as an ignorant loud mouth so they kept him out of the loop when they attempted to sell access to Russia, probably thinking they could cash in before the election because they didn’t think they’d win. That makes them guilty. The glory of this whole thing is that

The same odds that Trump actually knew there was a military base in Qatar.

I don’t know about this. I could name Al Franken, Amy Klobuchar, Sherrod Brown, Adam Schiff, even Cory Booker as great candidates who could take down Trump. Are any of them Obama? Hell, no. He singlehandedly made the Dems relevant for 8 years, and that’s not going to change over night. But the bench isn’t as barren as

......And all more qualified than Trump.

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I must’ve hallucinated this interview Obama did...with O’Reilly.

I don’t believe for a second Trump has any idea what Article 5 is and that Bannon was the one who pulled that from the speech and President Ding Dong just read whatever the fuck was in front of him.

For all her shenanigans Miley has a pretty great voice.

“For some reason, the Death Star has become a paramount issue for the rebellion.” - Darth Pence