
Which is why it’s a great time for him to say in that same interview that he wants to shake S. Korea down for more money: “He also said he wants South Korea to pay the cost of the U.S. THAAD anti-missile defense system, which he estimated at $1 billion, and intends to renegotiate or terminate a U.S. free trade pact

Also, it’s fundamentally untrue, apparently:

And, remember, Obama is taking money to give a speech AFTER he leaves office. The guy is pure evil.

What if he’s got nothing on anyone higher and just wants immunity as his get out of jail free card?

He’s so desperate for something to brag about on his hundredth day (despite calling it a meaningless number), that he’s shot gunning things - health care, NAFTA, North Korea - everywhere, hoping one of them hits.

Just because it was great in a book (it was) doesn’t mean a straightforward version would work as cinema. The only way the book really translates is as a TV series or a mockumentary.

I thought the Antiquities Act only allows Congress to change/alter a designated site. Sounds like this could end up in court, which always works out so well for Tangerine Taint.

Funny Rush didn’t mention that Mexico was supposed to pay for it. That part always seems to slip Republican’s minds these days.

And he just backed down from his funding threat on the border wall. If we’ve learned one thing from the first 100 days, Trump issues policy threats, then backs down at the first sign of resistance.


When the first nuke hits us.

He was funnier when he perjured himself in front of Congress and got away with it.

Reminds me more of this:

I hope you’re right, because I’m damn tired of hearing “How did this happen?”

“Clearly they’ve never shot a prairie dog. They don’t know how much fun it is.”

How did she “have it”? Because she was ahead in the polls, when in fact many of them showed her in the MOE in those states? She only “had it” because people assumed Trump was such a train wreck, nobody would vote for him. The Russia story would have just been another thing thrown at Trump. He endured every scandal

Pretty sure “good things/bad things” sums up every president in history:

The Russia thing is a terrible intrusion, but if you think it would’ve flipped the results in those three states that cost Clinton the White House, you’re oversimplifying everything.

Whenver I think I might feel bad for Melania, I remember she defended his birtherism and I don’t.