
But he builds the best internment camps. They’ll be beautiful!

If Trump has him on speed dial, I hope Obama screens his calls.

Even in my most depressed hour, I console myself that he will crash and burn as a prez (I know, I’m supposed to be politically correct and say I support him, but fuck that). Just seeing how he has no transition team, no idea or care about what the job entails, ditching the press corps, making the entire job about his

Wait until he finds out the president has to pay for their own meals.

He’ll never get approved by Congress. Even Republicans are embarrassed by him. Trump’s just throwing everyone who was loyal to him a bone, because that’s the only thing he values: loyalty and ass kissing.

The State of the Union will be particularly headache inducing.

But Trump on 60 Minutes told his supporters to stop harassing minorities, so it all balances out, right?

It’s mostly Pence who is the vile homophobe, but Trump has said he’d pick SCOTUS judges to overturn gay marriage. Everyone I know who’s in a gay relationship is freaked out right now.

There are a lot of reasons why she lost the Electoral College. Here might be one. This is an actual conversation I had with another passenger in an Uber a day after the election. This was an elderly white woman who voted for Trump.

What she actually said is the opposite of laying “all the blame” on Comey.

Harry gets a lot of shit, but I always thought he was a pretty good fighter. He stopped W trying to privatize social security, and he never took shit from the right wing. And he wasn’t above throwing a few bombs out there whether they were true or not, like about Mitt’s taxes. But unlike a lot of bomb throwers like

Maybe because Obama wasn’t a racist, sexist, ignorant Putin puppet who lost the popular vote?

How about we blame them all? The margins in these states were so slim they all contributed in some small way to make a big difference.

And then to see Trump and McConnell proceed to erase him from the history books. Sickening.

It breaks my heart that the GOP are going to use Trump to erase Obama from the history books. They got everything yesterday. They own it all. Now it’s like one big right wing wet dream.

I have a friend who voted for him because he loved The Apprentice. I win.

That’s why I say the Apprentice tape of him saying the N word would’ve been meaningless. The guy should;ve died a thousand electoral deaths, but people just didn’t care. At the end of the day, just enough of the country in the right states wanted him, no matter what, and that was that.

You mean the same polls that had Clinton winning handily over Trump?

Partly true, but the Dems have also lost a lot of their governors and congressmen in off year elections when the Obama coalition don’t show up. In fact they don’t show up unless he’s actually on the ballot, which makes the future worrisome because there will never be another O.

Also, her investment portfolio is the complete opposite of her stances on issues.