
I think Biden grieving his son’s death probably had more to do with it than the Clinton machine.

Yeah, I believe Mitt led in a lot of early voting in 2012, particularly in FL, which he eventually lost. But some of the early data, particularly as it relates to Latino voters, seem to exceed anything seen in the last two election cycles, and those are banked votes.

Ive been getting emails from her for months. Should I tell Comey?


All the yes for Tunnel of Love! That said, I find Born IN The U.S.A an incredibly entertaining album. It’s just fun, with a big, driving sound. Some of the synth work hasn’t aged well, but that’s a minor quibble with the album that first turned me onto Springsteen.

I’m in CA, too, and God, that would be sweet if Issa had his ass handed to him.

Two other great anecdotes from that story: Ivanka cut an ad for daddy then wanted it pulled because it might ruin her brand (she learned well), and that his staff used to randomly try and generate a path to 270 to see how to move forward.

I hope they’re right!

I like Warren, but she’s not a national candidate. She actually signed a memo encouraging Hillary to run. Booker has his own baggage that would’ve made him unacceptable to the progressives (see his comment about how outraged he was at people criticizing Wall Street), Castro seems too unseasoned to me, and O’Malley had

Senate likely still in play, even post-Weinergate (the Bayh collapse in IN is worrisome), but I think winning the House is fan fiction at this point.

I doubt Lincoln Chaffee or Martin O’Malley was the answer, either. I agree if this was Obama, he’d be up by 40, but he can’t run again. If anything, the Dems need to refresh their bench the next four years.

The guy who got tackled yesterday at the Reno rally was holding a “Republicns Against Trump” sign.

That’s on Tuesday.

Yeah, I like this article, but a few percentage points here and there in a few battleground states, and it’s us who’re going to get our asses kicked.

Seriously, this is the equivalent of BREAKING: Trump is a pig.

If you’re undecided at this point, you’re probably not voting.

I generally don’t disagree with what you said. Silver seems to covering his ass because of how badly he did in the GOP primary, and is hedging so whatever the outcome, he can come out looking good. However, I get why people felt better with Obama’s 1% national lead over Mitt, because Obama did significantly better in

Trump slaps his sons? What are you going to say next? That he spanks Ivanka?

Also, WTF is a New Auto Alliance poll?

No one is “anti-vac”. They’re, ahem, pro-choice, anti-Big Pharma, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. It’s because when you say you’re anti-vaccine, you end up having to explain the eradication of measles, etc. Everything Stein has said on the subject is almost word for word what my yoga mommy anti-vaccination friends say when