
Her numbers are going in the wrong direction. That pretty much can’t be disputed.

This is the real problem, isn’t it? Not that she was sick, but that she almost face planted in front of the whole country on video and possibly lost the election because of it.

The expression of the guy on the right is all of America.

She’s not going to win by a landslide. Right now, looking at how her numbers are cratering “post-near face plant on the sidewalk captured on video”, she seems more likely to lose by a landslide. America is fucked.

I thought it was going to lead to tacos.

He’s onto something: You carpet bomb the world with so many lies and half truths, they don’t have a chance to fact check or analyze any one thing, so you end up getting away with all of it.

It’s worse than not getting out of your own way. Trump was there, too, and nothing happened to him.

The walk back should’ve been : “I regret saying half. I meant 75%”.

If they never made this movie, would anyone really care? Or even notice?

Hopefully this is his Stockade Moment: “Who am I? What am I doing here?”

The only thing the show really has to do now is stick the landing, and if the “holy shit” moment that Benioff talked about GRRM giving them at the end is as good as the Hold The Door moment, that shouldn’t even be a problem.

Also, Martin apparently replied to a fan on his blog about attending a convention next summer and he said, “Sorry, no, I won’t be attending any conventions until WINDS is finished”, leading many to suspect he won’t be done before S7 rolls around. Frankly, I think the train’s left the station. He can blog all he wants

If you want some real 4Chan rhetoric in politics, you should read David McCullough’s “John Adams” biography. The things they said about their political enemies back then may actually be worse than now, though I admit 2016 is giving it a run for its money.

I like Craig. He actually brought me back to Bond after the wilderness of the later Brosnan years. But the last movie was horrendous, and he looked bored out of his skull. What’s more, if they keep making Bond anymore politically correct - Craig’s romantic scenes outside of Casino are simply the awkwardest scenes, as

I’m told the script was great by friends who have read it - “You really care about them” - but i have no idea how they get around the premise that he makes a selfish choice to wake someone up just to keep him company.

Eh I guess I got lucky: I found myself suddenly out of work and without a car and was able to lease one through Uber. Cost me $100/week for a 30 day lease. I worked it off in one day and actually made some decent bank (compared to my last job, anyway), and I wasn’t responsible for the car. They even paid for most of

Isn’t this the kind of “outside money” BS was always bitching about? Ironic, indeed.

“wasn’t earth shattering” pretty much sums up Marvel, the cinematic poster child for settling for corporate mediocrity.

I read the script. It’s more like Day The Earth Stood Still (the remake version).

I think the trailer looks great. Great visuals. Great cast. Great story. Hopefully the writing holds up, and the studio meddling really was more smoke than fire. My one concern seems to be with Felicity Jones. She’s a really good actress, but some of her line readings makes me worried that she’s too refined for the