
I honestly think the cutaway when she mouths his name is more of an aesthetic choice rather than trying to foreshadow some deeper mystery: I think they didn’t want the audience hearing her say “Jon” because it would lessen the emotional impact of the cut from the baby to adult Jon’s face. If so, I would agree with

I might be reading too much into the stage direction, but it seems the show is implying that Littlefinger knows, too. Not just the way the knowing reaction shots from the King In The North scene, but from the crypt scene in S5.

I, for one, am looking forward to Westerosi Ragnarok.

BTW, Bryan Cogman addressed the traveling complaints on Twitter yesterday. Apparently, they had to make a choice between fealty to distance and dramatic movement and decided on the latter, thankfully. As he said, the alternative would’ve been 3 eps of Arya on a boat. Or something lamer like a lower third that read

The writing isn’t poor, but it’s different. It’s a little less philosophical than in the Martin influenced seasons. But I think that’s fine, because if they were to stick to that, the show would never end (like the books). My biggest beef with the minutia crowd is the fucking complaints about characters bridging long

Then Sansa and Daenaery’s would fit that bill for me.

I was frankly surprised the Wall didn’t fall Sunday night, but now that I think about it, I see why they’re holding off. My guess is The Wall falls at the end of next season, and things really get insane from there. In the Deadline interview, Benioff says a lot of S7 will deal with what kind of person Cersei is,

That episode was the show’s masterpiece. Everything about it fired on all cylinders: Cersei went Corleone and settled all family business. Arya took a lesson from Hot Pie and made Frey Pie. Sam looking with love at the Citadel’s library. The edit from baby Jon to haunted adult Jon. The Northerners rallying to declare

My guess is that most of what we saw in this episode (except for things like Frey Pie which has already been in the books) will be in the books, but how we got here through the season will be different.

Nah, I think with Dany dumping Dario and including the line about needing a husband, they’re clearly pointing to a Jon-Dany hook up, though how that works since they’re related, I don’t know. Then again, that doesn’t seem to stop anyone in this story.

Yeah, I think so, too. Certainly up there with S4. Eps 4, 5, 9, 10 were as good as the show gets. As good as TV gets, frankly.

In the books, doesn’t one of the Manderly’s cut up Walder Frey’s sons and bakes him into a pie to serve at a wedding? They just switched it to Arya doing it.

Varys is a merman. He swam.

And whats the first thing she does after the Sept explodes? Drinks.

That was so incredible, even by the standards GoT has set for itself. From the opening in KL, with that sustained piano piece going throughout. And then Tomme’s suicide done in one long silent take. Great stuff by Sapochnik. Sam and Gilly showing up at the Citadel and the look of joy on Sam’s face when he saw the

I have a horrible fear of heights (I mean, horrible), so that four seconds would seem like twenty for me. No thanks. Pass.

That trampling part really reminded me of a similar scene in Orson Welles’s “Chimes At Midnight”, which had that big battle that’s influenced Gladiator and Braveheart. It’d be interesting to know if Sapochnik or D&D have seen that film.

It’ll be interesting to see what GRRM does in the books with him, since he’s been equally useless as a character there.

Agree. Sometimes I wonder how much the director really has to do with a TV shows quality. I loved Hardhome, but hadn’t seen enough of Sapochnik to really make up my mind. It’s pretty well known that Tv directors hand over footage and the producers take over in post. And Sapochnik’s True Detective episodes were less

I think it was also partly because she knew he’d react like a Stark and let his heart get in the way of his head, a la Robb and Ned. And it did. The plan never had a chance when Jon ignored Tor’s “Don’t do it” plea, and he charged after Rickon, thus exposing himself and everyone else. You’re right that Sansa’s cold