
For a guy who “can’t direct people”, he got two of them acting nominations (Candy Clark and Alec Guinness). Actually, all of American Graffitti is superbly acted, and by a mostly inexperienced cast.

Get out of here with your perfectly reasoned arguments based on fact, and not internet driven bitterness and envy!!!!

These movies are producer driven now. The director is just there to be a shooter, get the footage, stay on schedule and on budget, and, yeah, not show up on set high and combative, and going chest to chest with your leading man. All very important to a well oiled corporate machine like Disney.

Excellent article. I always thought the characters peaked with the “Boy Named Charlie Brown” movie, which captured the melancholy of the early more poignant strips. After that, yeah, it was a slow descent into basically being mascots for Hallmark and State Farm.

Felicity Jones is going to own this movie.

My problem with Dune was that only the first two books were really any good.

Oh my sweet summer child. There is no “wasn’t premiered in any of the...countries’ anymore. Let me introduce you to the internet.

Apparently, she’s British and has done some good work (I’ve never seen her before). I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt that she was given horrible material by Pizzo Man, and that she’s capable of more than one expression.

Because if you want to upload something to the cloud, the first place you should head is the middle of nowhere forest, where signal strength is the best.

I couldn’t entirely tell from the poor staging, but doesn’t he use the diamonds to try and seal up his knife wound? Geez...can you be anymore on the nose with the metaphors?

Not as bad as the both of them throwing their rings into the streets. That was SNL stuff.

No, I just can read box office numbers and have a working knowledge of film history and how trends come and go.

Its going to be funny in two years when nobody gives a shit about superhero movies anymore. Hope everyone has an out clause in their contracts.

I’m shocked!!!!!!

Entertainment Weekly has been doing some digging and got some sources to talk about Trank’s combative and erratic behavior towards his own cast and crew. Probably nothing surprising, but sources say he was fired from Star Wars due to these stories, but that the studio was still trying to protect him from public

Joe Carnahan’s tweet defending Trank by saying fanboys would be “performing fellatio” if this was Nolan was such bullshit. First of all, Nolan has a track record for being a serious, passionate director who has one of the best CVs of any director working right now. Also, Nolan has never been called an erratic and

Directors like Spielberg, Lucas, Cameron, and Nolan are the rare few who can take their auteurist voice and navigate the treacherous studio system with it. That’s a skill not to be underestimated (In Lucas’s case, I guess, he handled it by leaving it behind). Having just seen the Dr. Moreau documentary about

Ava Duvarney and Edgar Wright said no when the meddling got to be too much. The inability to say “no” and just follow your own creative heart to a passion project has been the graveyard of many filmmakers, a lot of them from overseas, and a few of them from the indie world. That is, assuming Trank actually has a

I would’t doubt it. What especially sucks in this case is your actors are out there trying to sell the picture with your name on it, and you throw them under the bus like this. What an immature ass. If he really felt this way, he should’ve taken his name off.

That tweet was hilariously arrogant: MY version would have gotten great reviews! It was like career suicide in less than 140 words.