
Nah, he doesn't care of that hokey religion.

“Harrison Ford pretended to use his as a cane.”

No. This still looks utterly ridiculous.

Last night pretty much was proof that if Game of Thrones plans on bringing back Jon Snow, they should wait and give it some breathing space: Its not 1:1 situation, but just having Farrell wake up felt like what it was - Pizzo’s story already running on fumes after a couple of episodes. So far, from the on the nose,

Ripping off David Lynch more like it. Felt desperate to me.

I feel the same way about THE LAKE HOUSE. It can’t hold a candle to the original, Il MARE, but there’s something about it that captivates me every time its on (particularly the first 45 minutes). Ugh...I’m getting old, that’s what.

On my FB feed it’s all the suburban yoga moms who think their offsprings are, indeed, “more important” than anyone else’s. These otherwise sweet, smart people have completely gone off the rails to the point I can’t even engage with them anymore and I question why I ever did.

And JP3 was written by Alexander Payne!

Forget boring and dumb. I’m just hoping the next guy/gal doesn’t take us backwards and erases everything accomplished the last 6 years. Yes, a whole hell of a lot of CHANGE went down.

A woman who runs one of the anti-vaxxer groups was on local NPR today and it was all I could do from putting my fist through the radio. Her logic, and by extension, her supporters, is that a) this is unconstitutional because it denies certain children the right to a free and public education, and b) everyone else is

There were a lot of good things about the first season (McConaughey, the spooky atmospherics and occultism, and a portentous sense of doom), but just as many flaws. At various times, the plot twists reminded me of the Red Riding Trilogy or, worse, Law and Order SVU, before it revealed its weirdly campy, Tennessee

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought his pupils changed hues at the last second.

I heard he was in Belfast with Rose Leslie (I think they’re dating again and no indication that she’s back, for whatever reason). If he is there shooting and not just chilling, hopefully its not just to do the obligatory corpse appearance in Ep 1.

Benioff told Vanity Fair that Stannis is dead. David Nutter just chose not to show it for stylistic reasons.

So....was it a blockbuster action movie or “slow and nothing happened” season? Because those are the two reasons the haters always give. It’s hilarious that people bitch about the action scenes dominating the politics, then turn around and say “Hardhome” saved the season.

Eps 7-10 were as good a run as the show’s ever had. And Ep 5 was also memorable just for the visit to Valyria. The real speed bump was Ep 6 with the Sansa stuff.

The best political stuff from past seasons was from KL, but with Tywin dead, Varys and Littlefinger separated, and Tyrion in Essos, the players just aren’t there to keep up that gamesmanship. It’s a function of story evolution, not that D&D forgot about it.

Each season has their high and low points, like any TV series (yes, including your beloved Breaking Bad). I mean, for every S5 Dorne, at least there wasn’t a S3 Theon torture-thon, or...well, Shae. I miss some of the political shenanigans, too, but looking back at previous seasons, most of that stuff came from King’s

but...but...Charlie did a poll of his friends and they all said it sucked! That means it must have sucked!

Is Azor Ahai even show canon? I don’t think its ever been mentioned. My show only friends at least have no idea who that is and I don’t ever recall anyone saying his name.