
Except Jon’s hands were clearly burned when he killed the wight in S1 (this was also emphasized in the book, I believe). Contrast with Dany’s hands not burning when she picked up the hot dragon eggs in S1. That kind of takes the “Jon can’t be burned” thing out of it, right?

Well said. If Jon Snow is dead, and there is no logical reason for it other than Martin going “Gotcha!”, then its worse than bad story telling. It’s a big middle finger to his audience. (no, I don’t have time to look up the picture of him doing that)

It’s pretty clear in both show and book that Jon burned his hand when he killed that wight who was attacking the Lord Commander. This in contrast to Dany who didn’t burn when she put the dragon eggs on the fire. I actually thought that was why she emerged from the fire, because she was immune.

The first one is one of my favorite comedies ever, and easily Zemeckis’s best film, but I really can’t stand the other two films, especially the third when the whole thing just seemed to run out of gas. It doesn’t dampen how much I love the first film, but as trilogies go, this is more Matrix than Indiana Jones.

The Lord of Light is pleased.

Awwww....I still hope Brienne pounds his face into the snow in S6 Ep 2.

I was thinking “Oh, maybe GRRM thinks this is like Janet Leigh in ‘Psycho’, where we switch main characters in mid - story. The problem is that we’re well past mid-story, and there just isn’t enough time to develop and involve us in a new main character (unless Dany and Tyrion become even more prominent, but that

Yeah, as the guys at Grantland said about this same thing: You keep your powder dry. If the audience knows anyone can be resurrected, deaths have no more meaning anymore. But one question: Was the Mountain killed by Oberyn’s poison? I thought he was mortally wounded, but never actually dead. It seemed like Qyburn kept

i love Davos, but nobody is turning into this show to watch his character’s journey. I still think the Wall goes down in S6 via WW, probably the big Ep9,

Someone on another forum hypothesized that Melisandre has never actually resurrected anyone (and frankly, seems like a pretty bad witch), that she might spend the season seeking out Thoros Myr, with possibly Jon’s corpse in tow (which sounds awfully like Weekend AT Bernie’s to me). Or Jon’s body is kept on ice at the

Maybe they already shot his resurrection scenes?

“Kill the boy!” Taken to its literal end.

Arya mentioned the three riders in S2 scene with Tywin.

Also, who Jon’s mom was was the question that Martin asked D&D that sealed the deal. Odd if it meant nothing.

Maybe the show was waiting for Arya’s blinding to have her see through Nymeria?

Bran could be the Stark who’s the third dragon. I would put more faith in Melisandre being the key if she wasn’t the most incompetent witch in Wrsteros, and her resurrection Jon would take five minutes, and Kits said he’s not back in 6, at least. Ultimately, I think the real explanation is that Martin is making this

I would also say Kit and Stephen Dillane deserves some props for this season. I know Dillane won’t get it because BBQ your daughter doesn’t go over well with Emmy voters, but he was magnificent right up to the end.

I’m glad they didn’t soft pedal Arya’s scene because of Maisie’s age. That was brutal.

Then stop watching and writing about it. Millions of people around the world disagree with you, especially since this has been its most watched season.

Not its strongest season for a variety (some uncontrollable) reasons. I still think S4 aced that test. But eps 7-10 were as strong a run as the shows ever had. I guess we’ll have to put up with ten months of Jon Snow Truthers who are adamant dead isn’t dead.