
“Literally was pacing around the room acting out like a 10-year-old. “

Good catch. Totally missed that.

It goes back to Season 1 when Syrio Forel had her chase a cat as part of her lesson and she accidentally overheard Varys plotting to not warn Ned that his life was in danger.

Considering Miller barely had a script for Fury Road, I’m not sure a bad one would’ve stopped him from making a damn good film (at least, a better one than Zack Snyder).

I hate those pre-caps that HBO runs. They totally gave away that Longclaw was going to do something...Fortunately, in the frenzy of the action, I’d forgotten, but when I re-watched the episode, that pre-cap clip jumped out at me.

The Season 6 casting notices that leaked might help with that answer, but its a huge spoiler, albeit a speculative one.

I never thought I’d say this, but Kit Harrington killed it last night. New action hero. Grounded, battle weary, and completely charismatic. The whole episode was Top Five, from Dany telling Tyrion to lay off the sauce, Cersei slurping water off the floor, to a quick check in with our two Stark girls (honestly the Sam

I recall an old making of documentary about Raiders of the Lost Ark, and footage of Spielberg directing one of the Nazis on how to react when he’s shot through with God’s lightning. Spielberg’s exact words were, “Yeah, I know it feels stupid, but it’s going to look great on film.”

“It is rated R. It naturally has a smaller potential audience and lower revenue expectations”

Charlize Theron already has talked at length with her frustration at how unorthodox the shooting was. She’d literally show up for her day’s work and there would be no scene numbers on the call sheets, and she had no idea where the character was suppose to be emotionally that day.

Paul Greengrass would be unemployable.

I’m shocked too. I just don’t get it and I don’t think it’s only the R rating. I haven’t talked to a single person who has seen it and not loved it. In my audience, it got a rapturous response. But you’re right, as a whole, people aren’t going to see it. After three weeks, it still hasn’t made its budget back

I really like her as an actress. I also thought Timothy Dalton was good. But i have a Josh Hartnett problem and when he turned out to be a werewolf....I kinda just lost it.

Is S2 any good? Because I thought S1 was True Blood cheesy. Kinda entertaining, but it could’ve been so much more than just camp.

I’ll always cherish the film if only because of Sean Connery’s response at the premiere when asked “Where’s the director tonight?”

Miller has a pretty long track record with Warners and they're still known as the most artist friendly of the big studios out here, which sometimes works (Miller, Nolan, Cuaron), sometimes not (Snyder). So I wasn't surprised he got the nod. I was surprised how he showed zero signs of rust.

My only question is that with the Northern woman now dead, does Sansa still think there’s someone to help her if she lit the candle. I kinda assume she didn’t think that woman was her savior, but maybe she thought that was a signal to her to get help? After all, she doesn’t really know Brienne is there waiting. In

I’m really looking forward to this. The story and setting are incredibly intriguing, but I honestly had a hard time reading the book, mostly due to a lack of time on my part to focus on 1000+ pages of Victorian drama.

I don’t know if this counts as a spoiler - so stop now if you don’t want to know - but Gwendoline Christie did let slip out that she has a huge fight scene near the season climax. I didn’t read the whole article because she apparently accidentally named the character (or actor), and I didn’t want to know ahead of

This has to be one of the happiest images in the entire series, Aemon and Gilly and little Sam.