
Pretty sure only Tyrion was in chains. The other “gladiators” put on their own armor.

Probably why I would make a pretty shitty ruler.

Maybe it’s just me, but I actually thought Daario’s plan about killing all the masters at a Fighting Pit ceremony was a pretty good one.

Very good season. You’re missing.

Hopefully you’ll soon reach the breaking point of whining on the internet about things you didn’t see.

It was shot and edited to make you think he was going to the tower because he looks at it briefly while crossing the Winterfell square. But when we saw Ramsay, I also briefly thought maybe he was waiting for Reek all along, but the lavish furnishings pretty much suggested otherwise.

That’s what I thought. The low angle shot of Reek trudging through Winterfell (which is beginnig to look like The Overlook Hotel in snow, appropriately) and the high tower in the background was suggesting one thing, but when he opens the door, he’s in an entirely different destination. It was the “Silence of the

That lingering close up of Stannis after he told Melisandre to bugger off seemed to be saying, “But not too far”.

You missed the part where the guy paid Tyrion and Jorah?

Tyrion and Daenarys met. I think we’re pretty much into Winds of Winter now, as much as book readers will hate to admit it.

I don’t get the vibe from Bird’s Twitter that he’s a Libertarian. He seems like a liberal, but maybe I’m just reading it wrong. It is kinda sad that someone so active on Twitter has been fairly quiet promoting this film in the past 48 hours. I know he’s overseas at some premiere, but that’s kind of the thing about

The Polanski version was pretty bloody (for its time) and included a nude Lady Macbeth sleep walking and washing imaginary blood off her hands.

Cant you tell by the defensive outrage that Pegg didn’t hit a nerve???

Now playing

I think Pegg was talking about this guy:

I thought it was going to be motion capture which was what turned me off to the whole thing.

Lady Stoneheart.

I don’t know how “The Dornishman’s wife” song ends (but I liked hearing Jerome Flynn sing!). I suspect that’s a clue to what awaits Bronn?

I guess its encouraging that one of the producers when asked about how it went down in the book - Theon warming her up, and something with dogs - replied with a string of “no, no, no, no, no...” I understand the horror - I felt nauseous for hours - but in the end, it could have been sooooooo much worse.

My favorite line of the night was Olenna’s “Put down the quill. We both know you’re not writing anything.” And Cersei does...after Olenna leaves.

I think that’s just being a medieval queen.