
If Russell made this today, Ice Cube’s role would go to Jennifer Lawrence.

Yeah, there was a bit of Daniel Plainview in him the way he bullied his kids to be men. When you think of his views of war and American expansionism, its hard to reconcile it with his track record as an conservationist and social reformer.

I watched that Ken Burns documentary “The Roosevelts” and was agape at how no one has made a movie about Teddy R yet. I know he’s been in movies like Wind And The Lion, but the guy lived an incredible and cinematic life, from politics (running as a third party candidate) to explorer (his trip into the jungle with his

I hadn't thought she might be a Bolton spy but since Sansa doesn't seem to recognize her, maybe? I assumed she was surrounded by North loyalists waiting for their cue to rise up.

“You’re heavier than you appear.” Nice Mormont dig.

He seems less like a religious fanatic and more of a religious opportunist, in the way that Cersei's become. Whatever works!

Agreed. Everyone was so busy hating Joff they forgot how great Jack Gleeson was. It's a delicate balance not turning that character into a cartoon and Gleeson pulled it off magnificently. Shame the Emmys never noticed with even a nomination.

If you haven't, check out the animated short HBO put out a few weeks ago about the Valyria that Harry Lloyd (Viserys) narrated. I think it was linked to here on i09. It's very cool.

That gives new meaning to the phrase “My ears are burning.”

This really is one of the great Rorschach test of book readers/TV watchers: Is Stannis more or less likable in the series. I’ve heard both sides of the argument so many times. I think it’s a credit to Dillane’s performance that my opinion of him keeps shifting.

She would have the best education program for the realm.

That sounds like the best SNL skit.

The dire wolves have been CGI since S2 because of their size. One of the reasons why Sophie Turner adopted Lady, her dire wolf on the show in real life. They weren’t using them anymore.

Emilia Clarke gets a lot of shit for her acting choices sometimes, but I think she really straddles the line between the (likely inherent) madness that runs in her family, and trying to be that good hearted person that Jorah observed. I thought her beat at the end of that walk the plank scene that she might be have

I was waiting for Roos to put an end to Ramsay’s head games, too, then I realized (by the next scene) that Roos is every bit the sadist as Ramsay (their sigil is a flayed man, after all), but in a more passive aggressive way.

“Sansa’s not a killer. Not yet, anyway.” - Tyrion to Jamie, S4.

There was a wedding, but no bedding.

Everyone says it had a Tolkien vibe, but whatever. The design was perfect.

I was wondering if the “kill the boy” speech was more effective in the book where Jon is -what?- 14 and not a 28 year old Kit Harrington.

There was something puckish in Joffrey’s evil, probably because there was a counterweight with Tyrion mocking him, and his cowardice at Blackwater. You could almost laugh at his sadism because it was clearly a way of overcompensating for his ineptness. Ramsay just seems like a beast, assured of that his sadism is the