
I honestly could watch an entire hour of Tyrion and Jorah going upriver a la Apocalypse Now, watching the dead ruins of Valyria and reciting epic poems. That was chilling, and what followed was both elegant and crazy exciting with that great capper. Another strong episode, albeit a pivot one, clearly, setting up so

I’d be shocked if HBO (or another company) didn’t do a whole prequel/limited series just about Valyria. It’s fascinating stuff.

Honestly, I’m just now realizing Olly is that same kid from the village that was raided in S4.

Yep. Stannis is That Guy who corrects your grammar. He should be on my Facebook page.

I haven’t seen Mad Max in ages, so I wonder if it still has some of that primal, exploitation energy. I saw RW recently and still think it’s a terrific film, and Miller is right: It has an opaqueness that leaves any viewer from any country to inject their own bias into it. Thunder dome I want to catch up with: I


“Grantland, the sports and entertainment site run by Simmons for ESPN, will be unaffected by his departure”

Obviously staged by Kubrick.

There’s too much magic in the books I’ve read. I think GRRM uses them as a crutch sometimes to get out of a narrative trap.

I thought Stannis’s story about burning the diseased doll fit in nicely with him burning people.

Didn’t Daario Naharis basically say this in Episode 3, that the Unsullied make too much noise to get the results they need? Then Daario stabbed the guy through the wall.

I haven't read enough of the books to form an opinion but I've heard the opposite argument, that he's much more empathetic on the show.

I trust Nolan A LOT more than Abrams.

It was in an early Sony email leak. He said to Amy Pascal that Driver was a terrible choice for the villain.

I walked away from last night’s episode thinking Littlefinger knows about Snow’s parentage, and maybe that fits into his plan with Stannis?

“I have a feeling that may have been in the notes.”

It’s the difference between fighting soldiers in the field and an insurgency. Just having re-watched Black Hawk Down, it was completely plausible to me.

That was the one weak scene for me last night, not so much in the plausibility department so much as in the execution. If they’re going to be major players this season, the scene felt clumsy and rushed. It kind of left the taste that they were revenge characters plucked from a lesser Tarantino movie than Game of

Kingslayer no more. Now...Iron Fist.

Behind the scene photos already confirm Trant and Arya are in a scene together. What happens next is anyone’s guess.