
I'm a TV first guy so I try not to read ahead of the series, but I'm considering forgoing Book 5 and 6 altogether just based on comments and the investment in time it would take to get through them.

Ones aspect from last night I don't see getting much credit was how quietly visually striking it was (new director). It's not one of the lavish episodes that scream out at you, but I love the two shot of the girls wandering into the dark forest, the low angle shot of Brienne framed against a grey sky that made her

I don't. I did say "absence". I think The Hound lives, too!!!!

I love Daenary's character arc, but I agree that (like in the book) they need to give her more stuff to do. Often, it doesn't feel like she conquered a city, but that one throne room. I think going back to last season, she's only had one great moment, when she fired Jorah, but the rest she seems to be just running in

I think my only real concern with the new season is will it be as supercharged as the previous ones with the absence of so many amazing supporting characters, like The Hound, Joffrey, Tywin, and Ygritte. I'm so far not really feeling the Missandei-Grey Worm stuff, and I was never a fan of Loras.

I’ve had HBO Now for about a week (cord cutter) and it’s really worth it since they have their entire library online (ROME binge, anyone?). I guess the real test is tonight to see if it holds up during the GOT broadcasts.

HBO needs to stop sending out screeners and hold critics previews in a theater. There are just too many people out there who call themselves “critics” when they’re just people with an internet connection writing for hits on some random , invented site.

I guess.....if she teaches at an all girl’s prep school?

Not a big basketball fan, but a trophy would look nice next to our new baseball championship. Makes up for our sorry football team.

I agree. Started out well enough with the mood and atmosphere, but then just turned into an endless freak show from there. I find it insulting its even mentioned in the same breath as "Solaris". It actually reminded me more of "Flatliners", with guilt acting as avenging angels, or something. Maybe I'll check it out

So true story about the Scientology building on Sunset between Hollywood and Silver Lake. One night a little after midnight, I was heading home from Silver Lake and decided to take Fountain Ave, which if you know the area, runs behind the Scientology building. While stopped at a red light, I could see a line of what

Yes, there's a big thing about it in Wright's book and the documentary. They owed billions and sued the IRS relentlessly and the IRS (for some baffling reason) caved and gave them tax exempt status. Wright's contention is that this single act was what saved the entire thing from collapsing into bankruptcy. The video

Sophie is the definition of The Cool Girl.

I read a story that when Scott Glenn was preparing for the role of Jack Crawford, he listened to some FBI tapes of serial killers (I forget if they were confessionals, or tapes of their crimes), and to this day, Glenn admits he regrets that decision. Apparently, Foster had the same opportunity but passed.

"This will make Die Antwood stars"

I always go back and forth as to who is show's acting MVP, Dinklage or Maisie. They both have some extraordinary moments.

Only from Sam and Hot-Pie.

Screen Gems is all over this.

GRRM might be cool with this but his publisher must be losing her mind right now.

For me it really started in S2 when they put Arya and Tywin together (in the book it was Roosr Bolton, I think). I loved those scenes because it gave us a window into both characters parent-child dichotomy which really is the entire saga's theme in a microcosm. At that point, it really felt like D&D got the