
I'm not even that big into world building fantasies, but that history of Valyria is really cool. That could actually be a GOT prequel series right there.

Most importantly, since D&D know the future story beats and how it all ends, if Faegon isn't there, he likely was a red herring or easily replaced by an already existing character.

You could also say that about OSHA, Ygritte, even Oberyn. I think Martin is a genius when it comes to world building and plotting (less so lately), but his character writing always feels cold and detached. I think th show has done marvelous work breathing empathy into even the worst characters. Just look at how much

I couldn't disagree more. IN the show, it's clear that Tyrion and Shae have genuine feelings for each other, but because of the world and circumstances they're born into (and Tyrions own pride?), that was no future. That the whole resolution better than shocking: it made it tragic. Dinklage's "I'm sorry" after killing

GRRM addressed this "controversy" on his blog last night and basically said its old news. He was told HBO wanted 10 seasons when he "had lunch the day after the second episode of the second season" by an HBO exec. Its all up in the air because HBO only orders one new season at a time and right now, the only facts are

Kinda like the Armageddon crowd.

Let me guess: anti-Vaxxers.

I haven't seen it since college, and I recall towards the end where a chicken is decapitate and a pig is killed when a hammer is driven into its head, then gutted on camera.

I'm pretty much willing to give any movie a chance, but I can't abide by that film (I could probably say the same about every film on this list). When your entire intent is to exploit and push buttons, without any larger thematic purpose, I'll pass. I remember seeing Godard's "Weekend" in college and being nauseated

Funny, I can actually picture Sideshow Bob writing the same memoir.

I think if an E.T. sequel had actually happened, it would qualify as "least necessary of all time". I'm not saying you're wrong about BR2, but isn't Ford's role a minor one? I thought I had heard Deckard would make a glorified cameo, which means he is a component of the story, and not the story itself. If the story

Villanueve and Jake Gyllenhaal work well together. That might be the only thing that gets me interested in this.

James Cameron in a 1990 interview with Starlog would agree with you:

"...another common belief was that a woman could not conceive without an orgasm. (Unfortunately, this also made rape impossible to prosecute if the victim became pregnant; "

The season's too long, not the games.

We need a Fury Road/Locke mash up.

Any news on how Sling Tv is doing? I got an email they were up and running a few weeks ago, but probably won't subscribe yet as I'm planning on getting HBO streaming when Game of Thrones starts in April. Was curious if people were jumping aboard and how buggy it was.

GRRM also says in that quick interview that the show could go on past Season 7. Clearly, he and Benioff aren't on the same page, who said as recently as last season, "Seven seasons, and we're done. That's still the plan."

I have a feeling Bruce Springsteen will be involved.

When he says "restless", I think he means he wants to direct more movies. I certainly hope he isn't aiming to do another, more serious talk show like Meet the Press. That would be a step down for him.